Search Results for: anger – Page 7

Ex-vegan heals his eczema and regains his health on a carnivore diet

Tanel-Enn was vegan for three years, and shares his journey of how he healed from eczema and a sickly body in less than six months following a carnivore diet.   “The reason why I’m not vegan anymore are the same reasons why I went vegan in the first place,” Tanel-Enn shares with his YouTube followers. His main motivation was the

John gained mental clarity, energy and focus on a carnivore diet

From “SAD” Eater to Carnivore: A Transformation Journey   The first picture was taken in May – I was a “SAD” diet eater and heavy drinker. After two six-week periods of attempts to control and count calories, and then counting calories and periodic fasting (and losing zero weight), I decided to go all-in on Carnivore. I took these pictures monthly

Matthew recovered his health from a vegan diet by going carnivore

Hi,   I shared this on a carnivore fb page tmand they told me to contact you guys with my story.   “I’m posting this for motivation to others and to share my experience of how veganism ruined my health and took me a long time to recover. Only recently being 3 months primarily Carnivore have I begun to full

Isaac lost weight (58 lbs) on a carnivore diet

Hi, my name is Isaac. Here’s my short account of going carnivore. 256 lbs (2018) 198 lbs ( 2020) Struggling With Different Diets   Twenty eighteen , I was at the time struggling with obesity and heart issues went from pesco-vegetarian to Vegetarian to vegan. I struggled even went for nutritional assistance and yet I kept gaining weight. I did

Leri drastically improves mental clarity on carnivore diet

Embracing Ancestral Eating For Optimal Health   Leri was initially a skeptic when he first heard about the carnivore diet since it conflicted with what he thought he knew about cholesterol. After following the carnivore diet for a month and experiencing many positive changes to his health, his skepticism has turned to praise. “I’ve had no cons,” he reports. “I’ve

Mark improved joint pain, hypertension and gained muscle on carnivore diet

Hi, my name is Mark, aka The Carnivore Grandpa. I would like to start by thanking for inviting me to share my story. Thank you for all you do. I am 56 year old husband, father, and grandfather. Married to the love of my life for 36 yrs, father of six wonderful children, and Grandfather of 12. They are

Amanda improved chronic pain and healed digestion on carnivore diet

Hi Shawn,   Here is my success story.   A Life of Chronic Pain and Depression   I have suffered from chronic head/neck/face/tooth/jaw pain for over ten years. I have never had any respite, not for a second during this time.    I have seen over fifty doctors and specialists, and no one has helped; most of them really didn’t

Mike C. improved skin, chronic pain, digestion and mood on carnivore diet

Accidentally Discovering the Carnivore WOE   Hello Dr. Baker and the MeatRX team! I wanted to wait until I had a full year of Carnivore under my belt before I did my testimonial. I kind of accidentally discovered this WOE going from 2 months of Keto and just kind of skipping the plants part.   Then I started researching if

Brittney improved her mood, join and back pain on carnivore diet

Pain-Free And More Energetic I didn’t even realize how much pain I was experiencing day to day until I went carnivore and then didn’t have the pain anymore. I used to have pain in my lower back, neck, knees, and ankles. I dealt with significant fatigue every day.   Some days I’d get home at the end of the day

Jason improved mood, mental health and treated addiction on carnivore diet

Hello, I struggled with food and alcohol for the first 35 years of my life always going to both for comfort in every area of my life. Four years ago I was on my death bed literally, had a freak accident almost take my life. At that time I was severely depressed, 300lbs, no self esteem, felt worthless, pre-diabetic, alcoholic, etc. After the

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