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Hilary improved inflammation, healed chronic back pain on carnivore diet

Hello, my name is Hilary. Let me tell you about what the carnivore diet did for me after years of ill health.   Starving but still overweight   I started struggling with my weight when I was a teenager. I was never the thinnest pre-teen or high school girl, but I was always a normal healthy weight. In my late

Steve cures Irritable Bowel Syndrome with a carnivore diet

Up until going carnivore, I had IBS for as long as I can remember. It seemed like literally everything I ate made me feel bloated. I have sometimes prevented myself from going to social functions or dating because of the amount of gas my body would generate, especially if I ate foods that were particularly carby. Whenever I felt that

Anonymous improved anemia and digestive problems on a carnivore diet

My story is quite an extreme one. When I was five years old my entire family became vegetarian. This would have been in 1975, when being a vegetarian was still very unusual. I gather it was after a distressing trip to an agricultural show, but of course I don’t really remember the details. Before that, I had eaten a fairly

Sly improved her anorexia and bulimia on a carnivore diet

My Journey With Veganism And Bulimia   During my early college years, I decided to go vegan (thanks to some very persuasive vegan documentaries), and from there, I wanted to “step up my game,” so I went raw vegan. My diet before that wasn’t the standard American diet.    It was very clean paleo – whole fruits, vegetables, fish, chicken,

Mim improved her eczema on a carnivore diet

Mim’s Journey to Health with a Carnivore Diet   Mim has healed from numerous health conditions since implementing a carnivore diet. “Since I was a child, I have suffered from so many autoimmune disorders.” At 27 years old, she feels she has gotten her life back and has learned so much about how her body reacts to various foods.  

Jeremiah improved cardiovascular and mental health on a carnivore diet

How a Carnivore Diet Transformed Jeremiah’s Health In October 2017, Jeremiah listened to Dr. Shawn Baker’s interview on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast. Like many others who are brave enough to throw traditional nutritional advice out the window and try a meat-based diet, Jeremiah was skeptical at first. “It sounded crazy, but I was willing to try it!”   Jeremiah

Don improved cardiovascular health and vision on a carnivore diet

Don’s Journey to Better Health and Nutrition Don’s carnivore success story is proof that you’re never too old to make positive changes in your health.“I’m 87 years old and have finally gotten my health back! Or, at least, what I could.”   Following the U.S. Dietary Guidelines Didn’t Work for Don Don says his journey to better health and proper

Chris improved digestion, fitness, mood, mental health on carnivore diet

Chris is no stranger to dieting, having “tried every diet over the years.” Now 24 years old, he says he is in the best shape of his life, just three months into his carnivore journey. Chris has always been interested in fitness, a trait that runs in his family! “I’ve been into bodybuilding since I was six years old.” Some

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