Hilary improved inflammation, healed chronic back pain on carnivore diet

Hello, my name is Hilary. Let me tell you about what the carnivore diet did for me after years of ill health.


Starving but still overweight


I started struggling with my weight when I was a teenager. I was never the thinnest pre-teen or high school girl, but I was always a normal healthy weight. In my late teens and early 20’s, I ballooned to 230lbs only standing 5’6 tall. I desperately tried to lose weight by getting personal training, cutting calories, crash dieting, weight loss pills, weight loss wraps, you name it and I tried it! I had some success with these strategies, but it was always short lived. I was able to get under 200lbs and stay there for the latter half of my 20’s, but always creeping dangerously close to that dreaded 200lb marker. I tried weight loss programs where I counted calories, I tried mail order diet food that tasted terrible and always left me starving.


Symptoms before carnivore


At 30, I decided I had enough. I knew I needed to make a drastic change in my life.

My symptoms before starting carnivore were:

  • Obesity
  • Depression
  • Inflammation
  • Joint Pain
  • Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria
  • Mood Swings
  • Sugar addiction
  • Loss of vision at night
  • Migraines
  • Ovarian Cysts
  • Mild Hair Loss
  • Tarter build up
  • Low back pain

Giving carnivore a shot


I began researching the low carb/ketogenic/carnivore diet regiments through YouTube videos, Instagram accounts, peer reviewed scientific articles, podcasts, and websites. I was terrified to try it and realized the psychological struggle was going to be severe. I committed to trying this way of eating (May 17, 2019) and my husband agreed to give it a shot, too. We have never looked back.


I was terrified to try it and realized the psychological struggle was going to be severe.


Weight loss and so much more


Yes, the weight loss is fabulous, but it is the psychological benefits that have kept me loyal to this lifestyle. I no longer have extreme depression or mood swings. I am not unpredictable and driven by food cravings. My marriage has been stronger as a result of this way of eating. Not only have I shed close to 40 pounds, I’ve eliminated the chronic pain in my lower back, I no longer suffer from joint inflammation, migraines are a thing of the past, and I see new growth on my thickening hair! I honestly can’t believe how beneficial this has been. If I had known sooner, I would have started this as a teenager and saved myself a lot of heartache and depression for over a decade. I look and feel younger, I look forward to my work and have reignited the passion for my profession.


I honestly can’t believe how beneficial this has been. If I had known sooner, I would have started this as a teenager and saved myself a lot of heartache and depression for over a decade.




I usually stick to one meal a day. The key to my success on carnivore has been combining intermittent fasting. It is really important for me to listen to hunger signals and I’ve come to realize that most of my eating was based on emotion and not a nutritional need. Once I tapped into my body’s signals, it was much easier to track how I felt and what I needed. I usually eat one large meal a day of steak, mozzarella cheese, and sometimes bacon and eggs. I supplement my water with electrolyte packets, and occasionally I take meat organ supplements to help balance my low hemoglobin levels. I’ve always suffered from anemia so I pay close attention to my numbers and test my blood using a ketone monitor daily.


If you have any of the above symptoms, please give carnivore a shot for 30 days.


You have nothing to lose and your entire life to gain back!

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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