Reproductive health – women

Real People, Real Results.

Stepanka improves depression, anorexia, and bulimia on a carnivore diet

A Journey on the Carnivore Diet Štepánka is from the Czech Republic and has experienced a remarkable transformation in her physical and mental health since adopting the carnivore diet. Despite her young age, Štepánka has already faced numerous challenges, including eating disorders, mental health issues, and physical ailments. However, her journey to wellness began when she discovered the power of

Valerie heals from schizoaffective disorder and anorexia on a carnivore diet

From Despair to Discovery Valerie’s narrative is a compelling testament to human resilience, encapsulating a profound transformation from debilitating illnesses to remarkable health, all thanks to the carnivore diet. Her story unfolds over four tumultuous decades marked by severe mental and physical afflictions, a testament to her enduring fight against seemingly insurmountable odds. A Life Overshadowed by Illness Valerie’s early

Cameron improved mast cell activation and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome on a carnivore diet

The Rollercoaster of Chronic Illness Cameron’s initial descent into health despair is not just a physical ordeal but an emotional turmoil. The constant cycle of hope from new treatments followed by despair when they fail takes a toll on her mental health. This emotional rollercoaster is a critical part of her story, underscoring the psychological strain that chronic illness can

Alia improved digestion, sleep, energy, chronic pain, and mood on a carnivore diet

Embarking on a Transformative Journey Alia’s story begins in her early thirties, a time when life’s demands seemed overwhelming. As she navigates motherhood and a new life in Colombia, her health takes a backseat, leading to unwanted weight gain and a pervasive sense of mental fog. Reflecting on her vibrant childhood in Chicago, she longs for the energy and clarity

Lea improved migraines, energy, and her cycle on a carnivore diet

From Figure Skating to Restricted Mobility In the heart of Italy, nestled close to the majestic Dolomites, Lea once thrived as a figure skater, gracefully gliding across icy arenas. However, a few years down the line, she faced challenges that restricted her basic mobility. Walking without pain seemed like a distant dream. But today, Lea walks pain-free, with only occasional,

Ashley improved immunity, anxiety, and pain on the carnivore diet

A Glimpse into the Past In 2013, Ashley’s life took a turn. With a one-year-old in tow, she was battling the aftermath of gaining 60 pounds during her pregnancy. Like many new mothers, she faced a myriad of health challenges: acid reflux, migraines, sleepless nights, irregular periods, postpartum depression, and anxiety. These challenges weren’t just about her; they were about

Michelle improved eczema and mental health on the carnivore diet

A Fresh Start with the Carnivore Diet Michelle always possessed a natural curiosity that drove her to explore new horizons. This indomitable spirit of exploration didn’t discriminate, making the vast and complex world of nutrition a subject of her relentless quest for understanding. Her journey of dietary experimentation had taken many twists and turns. So, when she encountered whispers of

Sylwia improves gut health and hormones on carnivore diet

The Vegan Roadblock Sylwia considers herself an ex-vegan, having trod that path for four years. During this period, she not only struggled with numerous health issues, but one year she also delved into a fruitarian diet, which meant eating mostly fruit. This shift was primarily driven by the gut issues and skin conditions she developed on a vegan diet. Consuming

Maria manages PCOS, IBS, and Lyme on a carnivore diet

PCOS Diagnosis at Sixteen At sixteen, Maria faces a health predicament that bewilders many teenagers. Multiple symptoms plague her young life, leading her to a family doctor. There, she receives a diagnosis of PCOS, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, a condition closely tied to type 2 diabetes and affecting female fertility. With the diagnosis comes a prescription – antidepressants for her mood,

Sarah improved weight and ovarian cysts on a carnivore diet

A Life Struggling with Weight Sarah’s life has been a constant battle with weight and eating disorders. She’s lost 100 pounds three separate times in her life, and food addiction has been a significant challenge. Her health problems extend to ovarian cysts, painful menstrual cycles, insulin resistance, and severe joint pain. Her daughter, who has severe autism, adds to her

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