Reproductive health – women

Real People, Real Results.

Alicea gains muscle and manages mental health on the carnivore diet

How Alicea’s Carnivore Diet Helped Her Overcome Her Eating Disorders   Alicea lives in northern California. She’s 52 and struggled with eating disorders since she was 15 years old. While she was never obese, she still struggled with bulimia, bingeing, and purging. At one point, she got down to 107 pounds, which isn’t much for her 5′ 7″ frame. Alicea

KasumiKriss recovers from veganism on the carnivore diet

Kasumi’s Vegan Journey and Health Decline: Benefits and Drawbacks    Kasumi was a top-tier soccer player in the Netherlands when she became vegan in 2014. Within months, aching joints and declining energy levels sidelined her soccer career.   She “got convinced by YouTube videos to try a vegan diet” to help with a skin condition when she was 23 years

Heidi Manages Type 1 Diabetes on Carnivore Diet

Heidi’s Journey with Diabetes   In 2009, Heidi thought her blood sugar problems were over as she welcomed the birth of her son. While still recovering in the hospital, she was assured by the staff that her first meal of Lorna Doone cookies was perfectly fine—gestational diabetes she had while she was pregnant was now a thing of the past. 

Kassandra reverses a lifetime of obesity

Before: a good acne day… Before: forced photo at my largest My Struggles with Weight: A Personal Journey   My name is Kassandra, and my life has been a struggle with weight. My mother and I nearly died during my birth because she had untreated, gestational diabetes. I survived in the NICU because the nurses taped together two incubators since

Nicole D Is Her Best Self On The Carnivore Diet

I am an aspiring Carnivore.Diet Coach. I began the Carnivore Diet July 1, 2019 after giving Keto a try to rid myself of recurring infections such as mastitis and UTI’s. Little did I know, my left kidney was holding on to a larg calcium oxalate kidney stone. 3 months in to Carnivore the stone tried to exit and got stuck

Charity’s improved pregnancy experience on a carnivore diet

From Vegetarian to Carnivore: Charity’s Journey   Charity is a carnivore coach who previously was a vegetarian for over ten years, “super grain heavy, super bean heavy.” She was experiencing severe gut issues and “had chronic constipation for three solid years. Every single day I dealt with this.” She would also get hungry, very emotional, and sweaty when she was

Melanie put Raynaud’s syndrome into remission and improved libido on a carnivore lifestyle

Melanie’s Health Struggles   Melanie has been struggling with her health for years. Melanie says as a child; she ate the Standard American Diet, which included a lot of bread and pasta.   Melanie says she always loved meat and didn’t like vegetables unless they were doused in butter. When Melanie was just sixteen years old, she started going gray,

Vicki W healed from menstrual dysfunction, mood swings, depression, and anxiety

Vicki, an exercise physiologist, believes her health conditions stem from insulin resistance and resultant systemic inflammation. She’s spent the last 25 years searching for optimal nutrition. She began her carnivore journey a year ago. Growing up, her family ate a carb-heavy diet—lots of pasta, boxed cereal, and fruit. As a kid, she was very active in sports and was constantly

Carnivore diet helped Brittany lose 47lb, balance hormones.

Brittany has been struggling with her weight for most of her life. Brittany says that growing up, despite eating a lot of the Standard American Diet, her mom tried to instill healthy eating habits. She grew up in the south, so while many of her meals were well-rounded, she did indulge in sweet tea every day, along with fried foods

Jill F improves hormonal balance and mood and combats sugar cravings on carnivore diet

Jill has been on the carnivore diet for two years. Twenty-two years ago, she had half her thyroid removed after the birth of her fourth child. In an attempt to optimize her thyroid function, Jill chased lab results and tried different nutritional approaches and medications. She says it was a lot of trial and error. After her fifth baby, her

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