Kassandra reverses a lifetime of obesity

Before: a good acne day…
Before: forced photo at my largest

My Struggles with Weight: A Personal Journey


My name is Kassandra, and my life has been a struggle with weight. My mother and I nearly died during my birth because she had untreated, gestational diabetes. I survived in the NICU because the nurses taped together two incubators since I was a very large baby.


Battling Childhood Obesity


I stayed large throughout most of my life, starting my first diet when I started public school. By my mid-20s, I was 270+lbs, and I had PCOS, lipedema, keratosis pilaris, bad acne, and extreme joint pain.


The Turning Point


Lost 100 lbs in my late twenties, biggest loser style. My legs didn’t shrink much, but I felt better because I was thinner. Then I watched “Sugar: a bitter at truth” by Dr. Lustig and gave up sugar for three months. 10 months later, I welcomed my first happy accident son into the world.


I eased up my sugar restrictions but still restricted calories and over-exercised. Couldn’t lose weight. Blamed it on birth control, so I stopped it and got another happy accident. 


Keto and Carnivore


My second pregnancy had complications because of extreme weight gain and failed glucose tests. Then I tried keto at the permission of my OB and stopped gaining weight. Had a healthy baby. Listened to a bunch of YouTube lectures from keto conventions and heard about Carnivore.


A New Me


I still wasn’t gaining but couldn’t stop binging, so I looked up what little I could on Carnivore and tried 90 days. That was over 2.5 years ago. I’m leaner than I’ve ever been in my life. No more PCOS, acne, or joint pain.


My lipedema is shrinking and reduced a lot. Keratosis has reduced by 95%. I can’t weigh myself because I still struggle with scale anxiety, but I’m a S/M (dress size 6/8), and I spent most of my life in XL/XXL, so I feel like I have a new body with more energy in my thirties than I had in my teens.


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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