Melanie put Raynaud’s syndrome into remission and improved libido on a carnivore lifestyle

Melanie’s Health Struggles


Melanie has been struggling with her health for years. Melanie says as a child; she ate the Standard American Diet, which included a lot of bread and pasta.


Melanie says she always loved meat and didn’t like vegetables unless they were doused in butter. When Melanie was just sixteen years old, she started going gray, and later in her early twenties, she began to experience intense lower back pain.


A Vegetarian Diet Discovery


When Melanie was a young adult, her mom was diagnosed with celiac disease. As a way of showing support to her mother, Melanie cut gluten from her diet and noticed she felt better. It was during this discovery that Melanie also, unfortunately, found her way to the vegetarian diet.


The Hunt for a Diagnosis


By the time Melanie was in her mid-forties, she was experiencing intense cognitive issues, including impaired short-term memory and difficulty walking. She sought help from a neurologist who initially thought she had multiple sclerosis (MS).


However, when the doctor scanned Melanie’s brain, he didn’t find MS. He told Melanie that her brain looked great. Later, Melanie would find out she had a vitamin B12 deficiency, causing her cognitive issues. She decided to remedy her deficiency with a vegan diet.


The Benefits of a Carnivore Diet


Melanie has also struggled with anemia, or low iron, for most of her adult life. Beyond vitamin deficiencies, Melanie was also diagnosed with Reynaud’s syndrome. A condition that hinders the blood from getting to one’s fingers.


The final straw for Melanie was when she was told she also had high cholesterol after a scare with what she thought at the time was a heart attack. Melanie knew she needed to make some significant changes to her health.


Melanie decided to try the carnivore diet on what happened to be her birthday in November 2019. She says her family thought she was crazy initially and that it was just another diet like the vegetarian and vegan diets she had tried.


However, after some time following the carnivore diet, Melanie is no longer considered anemic, and her blood levels are normal. She is now also in remission for Reynaud’s syndrome.


Melanie says she feels like she has much more energy since becoming a carnivore diet follower; she also has a higher libido and no longer gets moody when she hasn’t had something to eat for a few hours.


Melanie’s Adventurous Meat Eating


Today Melanie’s diet consists of a lot of beef. Melanie says at the beginning of her carnivore journey, she ate a lot of eggs but has since cut back since they caused her to get a rash. Melanie also enjoys eating organs like liver and chicken heart and will eat some dairy or grapefruit every once in a while.


Melanie is very adventurous with her meat-eating and has tried eating rattlesnake and yak meat. She also describes eating a variety of different meats while living in Mexico for a month recently.


Embracing the Carnivore Lifestyle


Melanie’s life has completely changed since she is no longer a vegetarian and is following the carnivore lifestyle. Melanie knows that her body has been trying to tell her for years that it doesn’t like vegetables. She says, “My body craves meat. It’s the food I need.”


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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