Diabetes & blood sugar

Real People, Real Results.

Leo improved diabetes and cardiovascular health on a carnivore diet

From Diabetes to Carnivore Vitality Leo, a 59-year-old regenerative rancher from Florida, has a remarkable story of health transformation through the carnivore diet. His journey from battling diabetes to reclaiming his health is both inspiring and instructive for those seeking alternative approaches to managing chronic conditions. A Dire Diagnosis and Determined Response In late 2018, Leo received devastating news from

Daniel heals from type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease on a carnivore diet

From Heart Attack to Health Daniel, a 75-year-old man, shares his incredible journey of reversing four comorbidities and improving his overall health through the carnivore diet. His story serves as an inspiration for those looking to make positive changes in their lives, regardless of age. Blindsided by a Heart Attack Four years ago, Daniel experienced a heart attack that caught

Bill healed from diabetes, arthritis, and depression on the carnivore diet

From Chronic Pain to Renewed Vitality Bill, a 72-year-old musician originally from upstate New York, has undergone a remarkable health transformation since adopting the carnivore diet. After struggling with chronic pain, diabetes, and depression for years, he has found relief and renewed vitality by eating only animal products.   A Life of Chronic Illness Bill’s health issues began in 1990

Suzanne manages type 1 diabetes on a carnivore diet

A New Beginning With The Carnivore Diet Suzanne, a native of the arid Karoo region in South Africa, currently resides along the scenic coast of Dorset, UK. Her roots lie deep within the agricultural practices of sheep and goat farming, a lifestyle that instilled in her an intrinsic connection to nature and its offerings. Yet, the path of her health

Richard improved diabetes, mobility, self-esteem, and blood pressure on a carnivore diet

The Dawn of Transformation Richard’s story begins at a juncture of life fraught with health challenges and the looming shadow of morbid obesity. Weighing at an all-time high and grappling with dire health prognoses, his existence was a daily struggle against the consequences of years of unhealthy lifestyle choices. The stark realization of his mortality, precipitated by a doctor’s grim

Lindy improved prediabetes and thyroid on a carnivore diet

Introduction: A Struggle for Change In the bustling city of Melbourne, Lindy’s journey is not just another story of dieting; it’s a profound quest for health and self-acceptance. Born into a family where food is synonymous with love and celebration, her Italian-English heritage means meals are more than just sustenance—they are a way of life. However, this deep-rooted connection with

Nicole improved cholesterol, hypertension on a carnivore diet

Discovering the Carnivore Diet Nicole, a health-conscious individual, delves into the world of carnivore diets after years of adhering to different dietary regimes. She is no stranger to health challenges, having dealt with cholesterol issues, high blood pressure, and a likelihood of prediabetes. Although she never received an official diagnosis for prediabetes, given her eating habits and weight, she believes

John improved energy, blood sugar, and pain on the carnivore diet

The Allure of the Carnivore diet John, once a video production teacher, has delved deep into the world of health and nutrition. In his quest for optimal health, he stumbled upon the carnivore diet, an all-meat dietary approach that eliminates most, if not all, carbohydrates from the menu. John proudly states that he consumes virtually zero carbs. The only carbohydrates

Mitch improved inflammation and diabetes on the carnivore diet

A Hesitant Beginning Mitch never imagines himself diving into the carnivore diet. It’s not that he’s dismissive of alternative diets; he’s just never felt a strong pull towards one. But after a bout of gastrointestinal issues and after hearing about it from a friend, his curiosity piques. First Impressions on the carnivore diet Walking into the supermarket for the first

Adam improved cholesterol and testosterone on the carnivore diet

From Medicine to Medical Mystery Adam’s path in life was never straightforward. As a trained medical professional, one would assume he had a grasp on the nuances of nutrition and body health. Yet, despite his vast knowledge, his own body was a puzzling contradiction. His father had a history of diabetes and had ballooned to almost 400 pounds at one

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