Diabetes & blood sugar

Real People, Real Results.

Mollie reduced coronary artery calcium (CAC) score while on a carnivore diet

At the age of 65, Mollie is a shining example of how diet can reshape one’s health and quality of life. In the throes of her retirement years, Mollie is reaping the benefits of a diet that many might view as unconventional – the carnivore diet. Before this significant shift in her diet, Mollie had spent years battling health issues.

Jill manages weight, PCOS, and Hashimoto’s on a carnivore diet

Jill’s health journey has been a rollercoaster ride. After years of battling weight gain and managing an array of health issues, including Hashimoto’s disease and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), she finds solace in the carnivore diet. Her story is an inspiring testament to the power of dietary changes and commitment. Finding The Carnivore Diet Jill’s journey to the carnivore diet

Emily J manages type 1 diabetes, IBS, strength, pain, and acne on a carnivore diet

As of July 2023, I have been eating low carb for 2 years and 3 months, with over a year and a half of that time being carnivore. I currently eat a “MEDS” version of carnivore (Meat, Eggs, Dairy, Seafood) with my carbohydrate intake being virtually zero. This way of eating has helped me manage Type 1 Diabetes, severe food

Advait healed metabolic health, IBS, migraines, fatigue, and depression on the carnivore diet

While I was always a health conscious individual, I did not realise I was metabolically unhealthy until my mid 30s. This was the case despite me having suffered from IBS, migraines, general body fatigue, a weak constitution, poor dental health since childhood. Having grown up in a family that had been vegetarian for generations due to socio-cultural reasons, I, like

Aaron K reversed diabetes and hypertension and lost weight on a carnivore diet

My name is Aaron K, and I am a devoted husband and father to eight beautiful children. In my mid-forties, I received a life-altering diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and was advised to take statin drugs. Despite my persistent efforts to diet on and off for years, I found myself trapped in a cycle of temporary success

Sara manages type 1 diabetes on a low-carb diet

Meet Sara, a 63-year-old type 1 diabetic who is very active.  Sara had gestational diabetes during her second pregnancy. She used a meter to measure her blood glucose and consulted with a dietician, who advised her to eat a lot of carbs. She thought it was bad advice and designed her own low-carb plan. Sara gave birth to a healthy

Joe manages type 1 diabetes on a carnivore diet

Joe was 17 years old when he began experiencing mood swings, intense thirst, bed-wetting, and an overall decline in his mental and physical health. Having just had his wisdom teeth removed a month prior, he attributed many of these symptoms to recovering from the procedure as well as being a teenager with so many big life changes going on at

Leigh Ann overcame PTSD, insulin resistance, and an eating disorder on a carnivore diet

Leigh’s Childhood Trauma and PTSD   Leigh, a loving wife and mother of four children, shares her triumphant story of healing from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), alcoholism, an eating disorder, and insulin resistance.   Leigh began her journey to recovery a year ago. At 37 years old, Leigh discovered that many of her physical and emotional symptoms were a product

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