Search Results for: anger – Page 6

Travis experienced Zerocarb Zen and diminished cravings on a carnivore diet

Questioning The Modern Diet: A Return To The Ancestral Way Of Eating   When Travis was 23 years old, he was living in New York City. With a good health history, his post-college weight was 175 pounds, which he considered a little overweight. Travis decided to go on a ketogenic diet in the summer of 2012 and was “on and

Katie started the carnivore diet for weight loss and is the healthiest she has ever been

Katie grew up on a standard American diet and had very few restrictions on what she ate. She struggled with allergies, asthma, anger, and menstrual issues until beginning a carnivore diet a year ago. Today, she is at her healthiest weight and continues to heal from all of the above!  At 16, Katie was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)

New shopping habits to thrive by coach Kiki F

Shopping is Not What It Used to Be For many of us shopping and grocery shopping have changed a great deal since our childhood. Growing up in London and New York City, my family mostly shopped at small old fashioned proprietor owned shops, like the butcher, the green grocer, a bakery. Additionally we might visit specialty shops specific to a

JB maintains muscle mass while competing in ultra marathons on a carnivore diet

JB is an endurance athlete who has relentlessly pursued improving his physiology to boost his athletic and competitive performance. Along his journey, he encountered some challenges that caught up with him, but he overcame those.   Through a carnivore diet and a lot of studies, he learned how to improve his abilities and his health. His story is an inspiration

Autism tips by coach Alitheia

I am diagnosed autistic. Carnivory and going FAT adapted were definitely the game-changer, especially with digestive issues and mental clarity. Autistics often have gut issues and also can’t focus so well / brain fog and whatnot. Dr. Robert Naviaux’s hypothesis is, autistics are in a chronic CELL Danger Response state. So far there is no evidence for that, but to

Brandon combats cerebral palsy, depression on a carnivore diet

When Brandon was born, doctors didn’t give him much hope of survival. He weighed just 4 pounds and had cerebral palsy, caused in utero by a lack of oxygen to the brain and resulting in issues with mobility and muscle weakness. “When I was born, doctors did not have the most optimistic prognosis for my life,” Brandon shares. “If I

Mariela restored her health from the damage of veganism

I am a bilingual speech language pathologist, published author, actor and spirit medium. I have 3 amazing children: Seth, Sienna and Syler- who are each a gift and are fulfilling their own path and dreams. I was a vegan for 6 years, before that I was on low carb way of eating in with a lot of success (for 12

Jeff is now in control of his sugar cravings on a Carnivore diet

Jeff’s Journey: From Fast Food To Carnivore Diet   As a busy Division 1 basketball referee from the Midwest, Jeff was no stranger to fast food, processed carbs, and quick fixes for hunger. After adopting a carnivore diet almost two years ago, he has finally resolved his cravings and maintained a 60-pound weight loss.   Struggling With Keto   Jeff

Tracy lowered her blood pressure on a carnivore diet

Tracy, a busy mom of four, lowered her dangerously high blood pressure, lost weight, reduced her medication, and overcame depression after implementing a carnivore diet.   Tracy landed in the hospital with symptoms of high blood pressure, critically low potassium and iron levels, and pre-diabetes. “It was a bad situation,” Tracy recalls. “I also had mild depression in my life, but

Tracy improved her mental health, eczema, and asthma on a carnivore diet

Tracy’s Journey to a Meat-Based Diet   Tracy, 49, began her health journey four years ago when she and her husband adopted a ketogenic diet after he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and wanted to explore managing his condition with diet instead of a handful of medications.   “I went along for the ride as the supportive wife,” she

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