Search Results for: anger – Page 4

Tia gave up her love affair with carbs on a carnivore diet

I was heading down a bad road with lots of health problems. My cousin and a dear friend pushed me to change my life and to look at my illness as a carb addiction. He found Dr. Cywes to help me.   It has been a lifestyle change that has been the hardest thing I have ever done. My main

Hamid healed depression and built more muscle on a carnivore lifestyle

Hamid is a 25 years old Iranian man, living in Germany. He has been athletic since the age of 15, playing basketball or sprinting. His diet journey began when he wanted more muscle and to “bulk up some.”   Hamid was 75 kilos at the time and watched some Youtube videos to learn how to bulk up. He used whey

Suzi’s Multiple Sclerosis stopped progressing since eating the carnivore way

Suzi’s Weight Loss Journey to Joining the Navy   Suzi grew up in Battle Ground, Michigan, home of Kellogg’s cereal, and says growing up, she was encouraged to eat a lot of cereal and other grains. Suzi says she was overweight as a child and teen.   When Suzi was seventeen, she wanted to join the United States Navy but

Larry has less inflammation and feels better than he ever has from a Carnivore lifestyle

Larry’s Journey to the Carnivore Diet   Larry’s diet prior to finding the carnivore way of eating included eating a lot of protein, sugar, and very little fat. Larry says he ate a lot of chicken and turkey breast, but he also ate a lot of processed foods. Larry has broken thirty-three bones in his body, twenty-eight of them from

Natália improved sleep, skin, depression, SIBO and histamine issues on carnivore diet

Natalia’s Struggle with Carbohydrates and Food Intolerances Before she found the carnivore way of eating, Natalia says she would often cry after she ate because the carbohydrates in her meals sent her into a spiral of depression. Natalia has a histamine intolerance and many food intolerances and says she can now recognize her mood would instantly change anytime she ate

Cindi experienced less pain and lost weight on a carnivore lifestyle

Cindi’s journey to health and the carnivore way of eating began in 2002 when Cindi was just forty years old and weighed over three hundred pounds. Cindi knew she needed to change her life, so she tried the Atkins diet (a diet that focuses on low-carbohydrate eating). Cindi had some success with the Atkins diet and even lost 120 pounds.

Anthony improved fat loss, muscle, asthma, and sleep on a carnivore lifestyle

How a Cancer Biology Class Changed Dr. Chaffee’s Life and Diet   Dr. Anthony Chaffee has a plethora of knowledge regarding the carnivore diet, research, and human evolution. He was one of the first trailblazers in the carnivore way of eating.    Dr. Chaffee’s quest to learn more about this lifestyle began twenty years ago when he took a cancer

Three year carnivores -Karl and Judi – Karl was diagnosed with Crohn’s

Husband and Wife Team Up to Battle Health Issues Husband and wife Karl and Judi have been helping each other along their health journeys. Karl is a functional doctor by trade, and he and Judi have been operating his practice for many years. Karl admits his life as a medical professional has been stressful and affected his and Judi’s health.

Robert S became physically functional and clear-headed on a carnivore diet

A year ago, Rob’s life was awful. He was close to 400 pounds. He couldn’t sleep horizontally or play with his kids. He ate processed foods—mac and cheese, spam, fast food, pasta, and seed oils—and he drank too much. His job was stressful. Early in 2020, his health plummeted. He and his wife thought he was going to die. Rob

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