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Daniel and Ed thrive on a carnivore diet

Ed started a keto diet as a way to improve his focus and productivity and noticed that it provided more consistent energy. His father had been working on losing weight and had lost weight and found his productivity and mood improved on a carnivore diet. Ed wanted these gains for himself, so he started the diet also. “I was like,

Claire overcame anorexia nervosa and depression on a low-carb diet

Claire’s Struggle with Anorexia Nervosa   Growing up in France, Claire ate the typical French diet rich in saturated fat and protein. A dancer, she was naturally thin like her fellow ballerinas-in-training. Constant comparisons as to who was the slimmest, however, led Claire to develop body-image issues, and as she entered her teenage years, she started to restrict her eating.

Jessalyn improved acne, constipation, weight gain, and mood swings on a carnivore diet

Hi, My name is Jessalyn. I have been on Carnivore since January 2020.   Previous Health Issues   Before I found this way of eating, I suffered from chronic constipation (only going poop about once every three to four weeks for almost 19 years of my life). I tried eating more fiber, but that did not help. Eventually, I went

Aimee manages type 1 diabetes on the carnivore diet

A Life of Pursuing Health and Wellness Aimee has lived a life in pursuit of health and wellness; trying many different diets along the way. After being diagnosed with Type-1 diabetes in 1971 at the age of 16, doctors told her to avoid sugar—and she did—while faithfully taking one shot of insulin a day.   From Vegetarian to Raw Vegan

Switching to a Healthier, Meat-based You

We’re now ready to discuss some detail about common strategies to transition into the diet. There are pros and cons to these methods, and no solution is going to fit everyone. Your starting diet may help dictate which method you want to pursue. Hard-Core Carnivore This method is pretty much a direct drop into the purest form of the diet.

Plant Epidemiology is hard to Swallow

In studies of plant chemicals regarding nutrition, we often see a confirmation bias to support the epidemiology (and what our parents have always told us) about the benefits of vegetables and fruits. I’ve read countless studies on this stuff, and it’s almost comical to see that nearly every paper starts with, “We all know that people who eat fruits and

Ray’s Scale No Longer Dies Beneath Him

Age: 65   Former Athlete to Morbid Obesity   I was formerly athletic and became morbidly obese, peaking at least 365 pounds. I actually don’t know HOW HIGH my final weight went because my scale DIED beneath me one morning. Within half a year of this dietary change (heavy meat ketovore), I was down to 332 pounds and feeling great.

Charity’s improved pregnancy experience on a carnivore diet

From Vegetarian to Carnivore: Charity’s Journey   Charity is a carnivore coach who previously was a vegetarian for over ten years, “super grain heavy, super bean heavy.” She was experiencing severe gut issues and “had chronic constipation for three solid years. Every single day I dealt with this.” She would also get hungry, very emotional, and sweaty when she was

Tia gave up her love affair with carbs on a carnivore diet

I was heading down a bad road with lots of health problems. My cousin and a dear friend pushed me to change my life and to look at my illness as a carb addiction. He found Dr. Cywes to help me.   It has been a lifestyle change that has been the hardest thing I have ever done. My main

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