Tracy, a busy mom of four, lowered her dangerously high blood pressure, lost weight, reduced her medication, and overcame depression after implementing a carnivore diet.
Tracy landed in the hospital with symptoms of high blood pressure, critically low potassium and iron levels, and pre-diabetes. “It was a bad situation,” Tracy recalls. “I also had mild depression in my life, but I didn’t notice it until after I started a carnivore diet. I just thought it was normal to feel that way.” Tracy’s doctor put her on a combination of nine different medications and supplements to help control her symptoms.
“That was a shock to my system,” she explains. “It was very difficult for my body to adjust to all of the medication. I couldn’t get up off the couch without my blood pressure dropping.” Tracy’s goal was clear: “I needed to find a way to get off all of that medication and return to normal. As a mom, I was neglecting my body and not paying attention to the signals along the way.”
Tracy knew she needed to forge ahead and find a solution. “It was a difficult time in my life, but I was on a search for the best health solutions I could find.” Of the many things she tried, including green smoothies and juicing, switching to a paleo diet seemed to yield some success with weight loss. “I did lose some weight along the way, but it was not enough to help me get off all of the medication. But with the carnivore diet, I jumped right in.”
Tracy had a fairly easy transition, and was able to lose 20 pounds in the first three months on a meat-based diet. She practices intermittent fasting, and her two meals per day usually consist of beef, lamb, or steak which leave her feeling fully satiated. “I didn’t even know what being satiated felt like before the carnivore diet!” Tracy no longer craves sugar or other foods. “I noticed my tastes started to change after a few months, and now the only cravings she gets are for more meat.
A big win for Tracy is being free from all medication, a decision she and her doctor worked on together. Fourteen months into her journey, Tracy is happier, healthier, and able to maintain an ideal weight. “I really didn’t know what feeling good was like until I started a carnivore diet,” Tracy notes. “Problems don’t go away, and I still have stressors in my life, but now I’m able to handle the stress much better than before.”
Tracy now shares her story and helps others identify what changes they can make to address various health and lifestyle concerns. “Now that I’ve ‘seen the light’, I have a passion to help other people who have been lied to that meat is bad for them. My reason for becoming a coach is to help other people heal and for them to be able to feel young and strong again.”
Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.