Search Results for: anger – Page 8

Laura improved digestion, skin, and treated diabetes on a carnivore diet

Yo-Yo Dieting And Weight Gain: A Vicious Cycle   I have always been heavier, but over the years, with yo-yo dieting, I kept getting bigger and bigger. I always went on a crash diet, lost 30 pounds, celebrated by eating junk, and inevitably gained back 40 lbs. After my daughter was born, I even lost 75 pounds with a low-carb

Phillip improved digestion, mood, mental health, and skin on carnivore diet

My name is Phillip,  I’m a 32 year old former combat medic. I started as a sick kid. Hospitalized a couple of times for asthma, and I was on constant medication starting at 4 years old. I had severe allergies, severe acne, orthodontics for palate expansion, headgear to correct an underbite, cavities; I was pudgy and had glasses. I was a

George normalized his pre-diabetic blood sugars on carnivore diet

George shares his enthusiastic and entertaining testimonial of his first thirty days on a carnivore diet. “In this last month, I’ve lost five pounds, my skin has cleared up, I feel better, my stomach feels better, my joints feel better, my body feels better, and I sleep better.”   Adding in the comments to his video testimonial, George adds that

Alberto resolves ulcerative colitis, improves energy on carnivore diet

From Medication To Meat: Alberto’s Journey To Health At 40 years of age, Alberto suffered from ulcerative colitis for half of his adult life and was on every medication imaginable with very limited success. At times the pain he experienced was unbearable: 5 to 10 minutes of feeling normal, then excruciating abdominal pain causing him to double over with cramps.

Alicia improves digestion, mood, and sleep on a carnivore diet

To celebrate 100 days of Carnivore, today I wanted to share many of the benefits I’ve been grateful for since starting Carnivore.   Keep in mind this is not an exhaustive list and is sure to grow with time. I am so fortunate and grateful for the results I have recognized thus far.   Disclaimer:   The following is intended

Steve improves digestion, weight loss, and injury healing on carnivore diet

Six months full Carnivore. Can’t even begin to explain how it’s changed my life. Thank you so much for all you do and the negativity you have to endure. I feel like I have a new life.   Carnivore Diet Helped Me Recover From Surgery Faster   I had reconstructive ACL and meniscus surgery on January 23rd, and thanks to

Kristen improved overall health on a carnivore diet

Did I really eat a carnivore diet for over 60 days? No vegetables? No plants?   Hi, my name is Kristen and it’s true. I ate a carnivore diet for 60 days. In fact, I still am. I started this January 2, 2018 and today is March 14 and I’m still going doing it.   Why Would I Stop Eating

Chris improves digestion, fitness, mood, mental health on carnivore diet

Chris works as a butcher I’m healthy, happy, lean, and strong, but that wasn’t always the case! This is my story on why I’m a carnivore, and the amazing benefits this way of life has given me and could give you, too.   Sickly Childhood I was a C-section baby to very young parents. Mom was 21, and my dad

Charlene improves sleep, cardiovascular health, digestion on carnivore diet

My Carnivore Diet Journey As per interest and requests I thought I would sit down and talk about my story of approaching and reaching my carnivore diet. Even though I like to never look back or put any focus on my previous ill health, I know that by doing so it may help others. Warning… I’m a number of things,

Elliot gets ripped on a carnivore diet

From Weightlifting to Carnivore Diet: Elliot’s Journey to Overcome Injuries and Improve Performance   As an avid weightlifter since the age of 15, Elliot, now 33, is no stranger to nutrition, dieting, and fitness. “I’ve always enjoyed weightlifting,” he shares, “and I used to love calorie counting and weighing literally everything I ate to the exact gram. I always had

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