George normalized his pre-diabetic blood sugars on carnivore diet

George shares his enthusiastic and entertaining testimonial of his first thirty days on a carnivore diet. “In this last month, I’ve lost five pounds, my skin has cleared up, I feel better, my stomach feels better, my joints feel better, my body feels better, and I sleep better.”


Adding in the comments to his video testimonial, George adds that his irregular heartbeat and pre-diabetic blood sugars have normalized, and he’s down 25 pounds from 205 to 180.


Previous Dieting Attempts


George is no stranger to dieting, and for years had tried various methods to lose weight. “I’ve tried every diet out there because I could never seem to find anything that was really sustainable for me,” George explains.


“I tried the vegan diet and lost a lot of weight, but that’s when I started having a lot of skin issues and stomach issues. Several times in my life, I tried a low-calorie diet. I’ve always eaten pretty well, but for some reason, my body just never responded.”


Transition To The Ketogenic Diet


Eventually, George transitioned to a ketogenic diet and saw some improvement. “I lost a lot of weight on the keto diet. A lot of my other health issues and stomach issues went away.” However, while traveling, George fell away from the low-carb lifestyle.


“I just got lazy on it, and so all of my weight came back, and my health issues came back. I got up to my heaviest weight, 205 pounds.” When George returned home, he got back to the ketogenic diet. “I went right down to 195 pounds, but then I couldn’t lose any more weight, and my skin, heart, and stomach issues stayed.”


Experimenting With The Carnivore Diet


For the past year, George hadn’t been able to lose a single pound, no matter how much or what he ate and no matter how much he worked out. He came across several people online who had success by eliminating all carbohydrates from their diets.


“It sounded crazy to me,” George recalls, “but I looked more into it, and the idea is that maybe meat isn’t as bad as everybody thinks it is.” So for the last thirty days, George decided to eliminate everything except beef, water, and salt from his diet.


Health Benefits Of The Carnivore Diet


“I feel better than I have in a year,” he reports. “In just over a month, my weight is coming off like crazy. I’m growing muscles like crazy, and my skin just cleared right up, and my stomach problems are gone!” George notes that he spends less time in the bathroom, another benefit of consuming more bioavailable nutrients from meat.


Future Plans And Reflections


“Everything in my body is just working better,” George says. “This was a 30-day experiment, and I’m excited that I’ve already lost 5 pounds, and I’m moving better.” He plans to stick with the diet for a least a few more months and see what additional benefits he can gain. “A lot of people have had some darn good results, and I’m willing to learn. I’m going to study like crazy. It may sound nuts, but I’m going to give it a shot!”

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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