
Real People, Real Results.

Bill healed from diabetes, arthritis, and depression on the carnivore diet

From Chronic Pain to Renewed Vitality Bill, a 72-year-old musician originally from upstate New York, has undergone a remarkable health transformation since adopting the carnivore diet. After struggling with chronic pain, diabetes, and depression for years, he has found relief and renewed vitality by eating only animal products.   A Life of Chronic Illness Bill’s health issues began in 1990

Neah improves psoriasis & irritable bowel syndrome on carnivore diet

Introduction to Neah’s Journey to Health Neah, once a stay-at-home mom and an avid YouTuber, shares a compelling narrative that’s not just about dietary preferences but a profound transformation. Her adoption of the carnivore diet emerged from a long-standing battle with health issues that traditional diets and medical interventions failed to ameliorate. The Early Years: Struggling with Health From her

Eric improved fatigue and mental health on the carnivore diet

An Everyday Struggle: Life Before carnivore For Eric, life was a maze of medical mysteries. Each morning, he woke up feeling drained, as though the energy had been siphoned out of him during his sleep. The severe fatigue was just the tip of the iceberg. He had episodes where his heart would race unpredictably, causing concern and anxiety. Numerous doctor

Adam improved cholesterol and testosterone on the carnivore diet

From Medicine to Medical Mystery Adam’s path in life was never straightforward. As a trained medical professional, one would assume he had a grasp on the nuances of nutrition and body health. Yet, despite his vast knowledge, his own body was a puzzling contradiction. His father had a history of diabetes and had ballooned to almost 400 pounds at one

Mary improved fatigue, depression, and anxiety on the carnivore diet

Embarking on the Carnivore Journey Mary, determined to improve her overall health, stumbles upon the carnivore diet—a regimen that emphasizes the consumption of animal products while excluding most, if not all, plant-based foods. While this approach seems unorthodox to many, Mary is hopeful. Years of battling with various health concerns push her to explore this dietary avenue. Mental Health on

Sara improved anxiety and emotional eating on a carnivore diet

A Plant-Based Past: The Struggle with Health Sara, a health and wellness coach, is no stranger to the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. Before discovering the carnivore diet, she follows a plant-based regimen, eating mostly chicken, vegetables, and fruits. Despite her best efforts, she feels fatigued, weak, anxious, and struggles with emotional eating and abnormal sugar cravings. Her daily routine

Ashley & Sarah fight depression on a carnivore diet

Health Struggle Before Carnivore Diet Ashley and Sarah are two sisters who once followed a high-carb, low-fat diet that was predominantly plant-based. They believed they were eating a nutrient-dense diet, but over time, they began to experience various health issues. Ashley suffered from chronic constipation, fatigue, brain fog, and anxiety, including panic attacks. Sarah’s symptoms were more surface-level, including rashes

Advait healed metabolic health, IBS, migraines, fatigue, and depression on the carnivore diet

While I was always a health conscious individual, I did not realise I was metabolically unhealthy until my mid 30s. This was the case despite me having suffered from IBS, migraines, general body fatigue, a weak constitution, poor dental health since childhood. Having grown up in a family that had been vegetarian for generations due to socio-cultural reasons, I, like

Matt improved neurological issues, speech, bloating, vision, and fatigue on the carnivore diet

My health journey began at 17 when I started experiencing strange neurological symptoms such as brain fog, headaches that common pain relievers couldn’t alleviate, and loss of speech ability, all within the span of a week. After a series of inconclusive doctor visits, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, realizing that changes in diet could potentially heal my body.

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