
Real People, Real Results.

Veronika improves gut health and bloating on a carnivore diet

From Active Runner to Carnivore Challenger Veronika, a 44-year-old exercise physiologist and nutritionist from Australia, has always been passionate about health and fitness. Growing up in the Czech Republic, she was raised on a diet rich in meat, eggs, and fermented foods, which laid the foundation for her lifelong interest in nutrition. When she moved to Australia 21 years ago

Jake improves athletic performance and mental clarity on a carnivore diet

Vegan Bodybuilder to Carnivore Athlete Jake, a former natural bodybuilder, has undergone a remarkable transformation since adopting the carnivore diet four years ago. His journey began during the 2020 lockdown when a friend introduced him to the concept of eating only animal products. Initially resistant due to his pride as a successful vegan bodybuilder, Jake eventually decided to give the

Richard improved diabetes, mobility, self-esteem, and blood pressure on a carnivore diet

The Dawn of Transformation Richard’s story begins at a juncture of life fraught with health challenges and the looming shadow of morbid obesity. Weighing at an all-time high and grappling with dire health prognoses, his existence was a daily struggle against the consequences of years of unhealthy lifestyle choices. The stark realization of his mortality, precipitated by a doctor’s grim

Alia improved digestion, sleep, energy, chronic pain, and mood on a carnivore diet

Embarking on a Transformative Journey Alia’s story begins in her early thirties, a time when life’s demands seemed overwhelming. As she navigates motherhood and a new life in Colombia, her health takes a backseat, leading to unwanted weight gain and a pervasive sense of mental fog. Reflecting on her vibrant childhood in Chicago, she longs for the energy and clarity

Antoine improves mental clarity and energy levels on a carnivore diet

Embarking on a Carnivore Journey Two years ago, in the heart of Brussels, Antoine, a sports enthusiast and a keen psychologist, embarks on a journey that is unconventional and daring. His foray into the carnivore diet is not out of necessity due to health issues but rather a driven curiosity and a quest for enhanced physical and mental performance. The

Lindy improved prediabetes and thyroid on a carnivore diet

Introduction: A Struggle for Change In the bustling city of Melbourne, Lindy’s journey is not just another story of dieting; it’s a profound quest for health and self-acceptance. Born into a family where food is synonymous with love and celebration, her Italian-English heritage means meals are more than just sustenance—they are a way of life. However, this deep-rooted connection with

Adam improved cholesterol and testosterone on the carnivore diet

From Medicine to Medical Mystery Adam’s path in life was never straightforward. As a trained medical professional, one would assume he had a grasp on the nuances of nutrition and body health. Yet, despite his vast knowledge, his own body was a puzzling contradiction. His father had a history of diabetes and had ballooned to almost 400 pounds at one

Cait improved prediabetes and obesity on the carnivore diet

Embracing the Meat-Centric Diet Cait, a Certified Functional Nutritional Practitioner, stands firmly behind the benefits of the carnivore diet. Over time, she’s observed a recurring theme: people, initially skeptical or even dismissive, have come to appreciate the diet’s genuine advantages. Cait’s conviction in its efficacy is rooted in her experiences with countless individuals. Remarkably, every person she’s guided onto a

Stephen improved cognition, mood, and anxiety on a carnivore diet

carnivore-Curious Every once in a while, a new dietary trend piques the interest of health enthusiasts around the world. For Alex, it’s always been a personal mission to understand the relationship between food and well-being. Having ventured through various nutritional philosophies, the idea of a diet centered on consuming just meat was both intriguing and daunting. In the vast ocean

Daniel improved joint pain, brain fog, and sleep on the carnivore diet

starting a Meaty Adventure For as long as he can remember, Daniel has been on a quest for optimal health. Through the winding paths of various diets, some promised vitality, while others assured tranquility. Yet, none seemed to offer the lasting effects he yearned for. Pains persisted, energy levels fluctuated, and a haze often enveloped his thoughts. With every dietary

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