Jason improved mood, mental health and treated addiction on carnivore diet


I struggled with food and alcohol for the first 35 years of my life always going to both for comfort in every area of my life. Four years ago I was on my death bed literally, had a freak accident almost take my life. At that time I was severely depressed, 300lbs, no self esteem, felt worthless, pre-diabetic, alcoholic, etc.

After the doctor saved my life I realized how quick we could be taken out, and how fragile our life really is, so I decided to make changes to get my life back and ensure that my kids had their father around for a long time. I found the ketogenic lifestyle first, and I seen major improvements with my health in almost every area I dropped over 100lbs, regained confidence, gained self esteem, etc but after 2 years of living the Ketogenic lifestyle I was stuck gaining and loosing the same 20lbs, and still felt like food had some control over me.

After seeing Dr Baker on the Joe Rogan show I decided to give Carnivore a try and in 2018 I experimented several times with 30+ days of strict Carnivore. Carnivore was working I felt myself getting leaner, increased energy, mental clarity improved, libido improvements, but the biggest thing that Carnivore gave me over Keto was I finally lost the addiction to food, those non-caloric sweeteners just keep cravings around, and since im a carbaholic I had to ditch them 100%.

January 23rd 2019 I switched to a 100% Carnivore lifestyle and to this date the change is amazing to me, and I have zero desire to ever leave this lifestyle, Carnivore is a game changer and I’m completely hooked! 150+ days of Carnivore!

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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