Weight loss

Real People, Real Results.

Chris improved arthritis, tendinitis, and lost weight on carnivore diet

Hey Doc, I’ve been following you for a couple of years now after listening to you on Joe Rogan. I broke both legs back in November of 2018. Completely shattered my right heel and have 17 herniated disks. I was a mess. I had arthritis in my left ankle so bad I could barely walk. I’m 5’4 and ballooned up

Mike improved his eczema, cravings, sleep and weight on a carnivore diet

Hey Dr. Baker and team,  I started carnivore Jan 12, 2020. So far I am 7lbs down, my biggest thing though is my eczema. I have 3 spots on my body that flair up like clock work since I was about 12 years old, I’m 27 now.  Every cream in the world didn’t touch this shit. It has disappeared in

Shelly improved her brain fog, energy and skin on a carnivore diet

Shelly is a “41-year-old mother of 6 and grandma of 1!” She works with food also, but finds that it conflicts with her current beliefs about nutrition: “I’m a part-time cafe cook (which is actually very frustrating for me because it’s hard serving crap food).” She is also a “trucker/ farm wife.” Shelly wasn’t the kind of person to just

Darren lost fat in improved performance on a carnivore diet

Hey Shawn and company, Firstly, thank you for inspiring thousands to do their own n=1 journey into meat-based nutritional lifestyles. I tried the CD for 30 days in 2018 and had phenomenal results in performance and fat loss. I don’t have any auto immune or any other health issues, just simply understood the amazing benefits of meat and that you can

Barbara improved rheumatism, mental, emotional health on carnivore diet

Barbara is 74 years old and has been living alone since her husband died in 2011. She had some typical issues for a woman her age and felt that she needed to lose weight. She had some chronic physical pain, too. Her hip and knee hurt from injuries sustained in an accident many years earlier, and she had “rheumatism pain

Brandon gained libido, energy, improved metabolic health on carnivore diet

From SAD To Carnivore: My Journey To Health And Fitness   I am a 25-year-old man who has seen incredible changes since going carnivore. I tried many different diets, and a majority of them were not as effective. As of this writing, my weight has dropped to 179 lbs, a level not seen for at least seven years. The last

Gretchen improved her thyroid and type 2 diabetes on a carnivore diet

Gretchen’s Health Struggle   Gretchen sustained a fall earlier in her life, resulting in a broken rib and a lot of stress. Combined with the fact that she says, “I work with heavy metals and chemicals,” this resulted in her developing a hyperthyroid condition. That problem spiraled further until she became a type 2 diabetic.   The Vegan Diet Disaster

Sara lost weight and improved her menstrual cramping on a carnivore diet

I have been Keto since Feb 2018 and I started Carnivore October 2019. I lost 30lbs on Keto (160lbs-130lbs), then gained 10lbs back when I went to a more Keto/Paleo diet to maintain. Since October I have lost the 10lbs I gained back (I can’t seem to drop below 130lbs, but I suspect cutting out alcohol and actually exercising would help). Digestive

Anonymous improved digestion, sleep, body composition on carnivore diet

Struggling with Health Issues at 60   I am 60 years old, and five foot six.   I’ve always had a bit of a problem with my weight and diet. At my worst during high school, I weighed just under 190 pounds. With a lot of time on a stationary bike and living on nothing but lettuce, cheese, and cold-cut

Danica improved digestion, arthritis, allergies, sleep on carnivore diet

Hello from the Andes mountains in northern Chile. First, I want to say that I love your YouTube channel. I appreciate your frankness and that you do not pretend to know everything. That you understand that there is still much to learn.  I wanted to tell you my journey to carnivory. You inspired me to give it a red hot

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