Andrius lost weight on a fasting lifestyle

Hi Dr. Shawn,

My name is Andrius, I am a 27 year old male 6 foot 1, from Lithuania. I did a one month fast(no food, just salt water) for 1 month during 2018 August during which I lost roughly 55-65 pounds.



I started getting overweight going into my mid twenties and thought nothing of it, until it began to impede my daily life. To counter this I tried working out, but that gave me massive headaches, so I stopped and focused on diet instead. Which led me to try out being Vegan during late Spring of 2018. For two months, I ate organic buckwheat as my main calorie intake, as well as other plant foods. At the end of the two months, instead of losing weight, I actually GAINED 11 pounds from when I started, though it felt kind of good. This experience led me to look for other alternatives – mainly fasting.


Fasting story

After researching fasting for a month I decided to try Robinson Cole’s “Snake diet” method of fasting = Don’t eat anything, and drink water mixed with baking soda and sea salt when thirsty.

For the first two days it was a battle for willpower to not eat anything, although I did still drink coffee in the office (yes, I was working at that time). However, on the third day the food cravings just stopped and did not come back until I had fasted for two whole weeks. After fasting for two weeks, the weekend came and I celebrated with my friends by eating the largest burgers and pizzas we could order as well as some 40% Vodka. It did not feel bad to eat a lot of food in one sitting, nor did I get any headaches from heavy drinking the next day.


After this ordeal I still had not hit my target weight, although I did lose 30-35 pounds, therefore I decided to continue with the fast the very next day until I would hit my target weight (The same weight I had in my early 20’s). It just so happened that this was achieved with another two weeks of fasting, using the same method.

Starting Weight: 110-115 Kilos (242-252 pounds)

End weight:        85 Kilos (187 pounds)

Total weight lost: 25-30 kilos (55-65 pounds)
Time: 4 weeks

It has been almost two years since then and my current weight is 87 Kilos (191 pounds), without working out. Though, as I keep watching your content, it gives me more motivation to try it out!

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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