Callum lost weight on a carnivore diet

Hi there.
I piled on loads of weight during Christmas. To be honest, by Christmas I mean November -March. After Christmas I started hitting the gym again. I was getting stronger but the body fat wasn’t coming off. 
I found myself weighting 16st 3 (227lbs) at 5ft10. 
I’m an electrician, but despite being a trade, the vegan trend had caught up with me. A few guys at work wouldn’t stop sprouting off about how great the vegan diet is, and how I was going to die of a heart attack, get cancer, or die of some other horrendous illness.
Me being the petulant child I am, decided to go the other way. I switched to an all meat diet.
Within a couple of days, I was only eating one meal. So I guess you could call it a 23hour fast?  I just wasn’t hungry for the rest of the day. My output at work went through the roof. I wasn’t experiencing the ups and downs in energy I normally experienced. It felt like the more I did the more energy my body had. It honestly felt like I couldn’t burn out. I stopped falling asleep on the train home, and had plenty of energy for gym after work.
Within two weeks, about 12 days, I had dropped 20lbs exactly. I hadn’t got stronger to be fair, but I hadn’t got weaker either, which is something I expected to happen when i ditched the carbs altogether.
Over the next few weeks, the weight loss slowed. Obviously I wasn’t spending 10 hours on my feet at work, followed by a gym session, as the country had gone into lockdown. I expect I couldn’t keep losing that kind of weight forever anyway. 
The strangest thing for me was that for the first time since I can remember, I started dreaming again. Really lucid dreams. Which I guess is probably a good thing.
Eventually I got back to 14st, which was my goal. I decided to start reintroducing normal foods back in. Over time, I stopped dreaming, And i started snoring again, I just felt like I was having a “down day” everyday. 
This is when I started researching the carnivore diet. Thanks to you guys, my mind is well and truly blown. 
With regards to the weight loss, a few people I knew said it was impossible to drop 20lbs in two weeks. Obviously I couldn’t go and see them cause the country went into lockdown cause of this Covid-19 outbreak.
I’m Going to start putting weight back on, and then when the gyms re-open, I’m gonna go through the process again. I’ll be honest, I didn’t do much cardio work at all last time, so I think I can do better then 20lbs this time.
I know this isn’t something that you would recommend. I’m going to do it anyway. Maybe seeing it happen will help people believe in this carnivore diet.
I’m really happy to have a chat with you about my progress, send you any videos/pictures when I do it. 

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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1 thought on “Callum lost weight on a carnivore diet”

  1. **Posted on May 15, 2019 by Meat Heals**
    **…………….cause the country went into lockdown cause of this Covid-19 outbreak….**
    -how is this possible??

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