Steve improved dental health, digestion, mental health on carnivore diet

Before I start, I sincerely want to thank Mikhaila and Jordan Peterson, Shawn and Zach, and Joe and Charlene Anderson for helping me get a much better understanding on what is going on with my body. Thank you for all you do and sharing your information!!


58 Year old male with horrible eating habits most of my life. Here are most of the ailments I have experienced on and off as a teenager to present day:


  1. Trigger finger
  2. Loss of writing skills
  3. Physical and/or mental breakdown
  4. Constantly spraining my ankles on any change in elevation
  5. Mysterious knee, foot or hip pain that would last for months and suddenly disappear
  6. Partially torn deltoid ligament innocently running around bases
  7. Dislocated sternum using light weights
  8. Hiatal hernia
  9. Decay of the teeth
  10. Food intolerances
  11. Outdoor allergies
  12. CFS, sleeping only 2-3 hours per night
  13. Always 30-40lbs overweight and no amount of exercise and/or diet would help
  14. Poor digestion (would crap Carvel Ice Cream for over 2 decades)
  15. Deep muscle tension that would cause spasms and chronic “knots” in my soft tissue
  16. Dizziness when going from sitting to standing that lasted for over 18 months
  17. Diagnosed with spinal stenosis that couldn’t be fixed
  18. Diagnosed with arthritic hip that would need replacement.

The Carnivore Diet: Positive Changes Experienced


Started Carnivore diet 18 months ago and started getting terrific results in 4-5 days. My diet was pretty clean before that so I think my body responded pretty quickly because I wasn’t eating much junk food at that time.

Been eating only ribeye and ground beef for the last 12 months and got another big improvement. Also stopped using any spices and of course only water.


Health Improvements on the Carnivore Diet


Things that have improved since going carnivore:


  1. First time in over 2 decades I have had no cavities in my teeth on my last two appointments since my teeth have no enamel on them anymore
  2. Playing golf once to twice a week where 18 months ago I couldn’t swing a golf club ten times
  3. Playing a little bit of tennis again, for the first time in 3-4 years
  4. Now have two sleep sessions of 3-4 hours each night. Way better than only 2-3 hours total.
  5. Exercise everyday and even started sprinting on the treadmill
  6. Weight went from around 180lbs to around 145lbs. Haven’t been this light since college and has been the easiest most satisfying diet I’ve ever been on.
  7. Of course mental energy and focus have improved greatly.
  8. Can now sit several hours in a chair without getting any chronic back pain. Whereas in the past I couldn’t sit more than 20 minutes.
  9. Digestion has never been better. Can’t remember the last time I have had to use toilet paper. Whereas in the past I would have to wipe my butt several times.
  10. Hiatal hernia seems to be healing as my stomach wall continues to get stronger and shrink.
  11. Many of the knots and spasms in my soft tissue are just about gone though I still have a ways to go.
  12. Chronic inflammation in my feet is gone. Sciatic and hip inflammation are also almost completely gone.
  13. Tennis elbow and arthritic right hand are significantly reduced and improving.


Excitement for the Healing Process and Future


Now, I am far from what I would call healthy. I know my immune system is still very weak. Pretty sure I can still make myself quite sick eating soy sauce, whey, casein, etc.m etc. But I am really excited about this healing process and can’t wait to see what the next 6 months will bring.


I am sure there are many things I have missed. So grateful I got a 2nd chance. I really thought the last 20-30 years of my life were going to be filled with more misery if I lasted that long.


Thanks Dr Baker, I am dropping down now and giving you 20!!! thanks for the inspiration!!!

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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