Elton improved his rumination syndrome of a carnivore diet

I have been low carb for about 16 years now, which has been great to maintain my weight and fitness. I have had Rumination syndrome my entire life, and just going low carb didn’t seem to help it at all. As I have gotten older I have started to develop GERD/heartburn-type symptoms also. I tried taking those Hydrochloric acid vitamins as suggested by some Paleo bloggers, but they made no difference.

Since cutting out all vegetables and fruit, I have not had one rumination incident and I have not noticed any heartburn. My daily eating is pretty much always the same. I have a sausage patty with 2 eggs in the morning. About 6 chicken wings at lunch. A big rib eye at dinner. I also snack on salami and cheese some times.

I’ve since been experimenting and I do sometimes had white rice to my steak dinner after a long day of training (trail running). I haven’t had any negatives from the rice so far. I also tried Potatoes, but my stomach got a little upset from them. My hypothesis is that it’s fiber, since rice is a pretty low fiber starch. Could be wrong though.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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