Michael improved mood, mental health, skin, vision on carnivore diet

Michael’s Decision To Adopt A Carnivore Diet


Michael’s journey to better health on a carnivore diet began at a pivotal moment standing in line at the Walmart checkout. At age 55 and 6’2” tall, Michael had steadily gained weight each year since his mid-thirties, topping out at 284 pounds. He was about to go from a 2XL size shirt to a 3XL size shirt, and he decided at that moment he needed to reclaim his health.


The Struggle To Maintain A Healthy Diet On The Road


Michael tells about life before the carnivore diet and the changes since implementing it a year ago. “I drive a semi-truck long distance for a living,” Michael shares. “It’s like running the gauntlet.”


Michael found it difficult to avoid diners, fast food restaurants, and gas station convenience foods while on the road with his two dogs. He has a strong sensitivity to wheat and corn, which causes painful bouts of indigestion and GERD.


“Throughout the years, I’ve struggled with acid reflux. It was just horrendous. I got to a point where I was taking two Prilosec antacids a day.” The nature of long-distance truck driving made it difficult to deal with several daily bathroom trips and painful bowel movements.


The Role Of An Addictive Personality In Michael’s Journey


As a recovering alcoholic who has been sober for 27 years, Michael believes that he has an addictive personality that translates over to food.


“I’m an addict. I know what it’s like to obsess over things, and then I know what it’s like to feel hopeless and just give in to it and just say, ‘Hey man, whatever, so I’m just fat; that’s just the way it is.’”


He had some success with a low-carb diet in the past but struggled with calorie counting and being hungry. He found it easy to binge on nuts which made weight loss difficult.


Immediate Benefits: Relief From Bloating And GERD


The idea of a meat-based diet was appealing to Michael, so he decided to give it a try. His depression had gotten worse, and the severe bloating and arthritis in his hands made his job very uncomfortable.


However, within three days of switching to a meat-only diet, the bloating and GERD went away. The only time his arthritis symptoms return is if he adds sugar back into his diet.


The Benefits Of Removing Vegetables From The Diet


After implementing a ketogenic diet with large salads, Michael decided to remove all vegetables and see if it helped with his digestive issues. “I quit eating the spinach, and my stomach pain totally went away.


One day, I had only steaks in my truck and no vegetables, so I had extra meat. After that, I just never bought vegetables again.” Michael enjoys cooking ribeye steak and hamburger meat on a portable grill he has on his truck and typically eats one meal a day in the evenings.


Success And Continued Improvement On A Carnivore Diet


Overall, Michael has had great success on a carnivore diet but says he still has room for improvement. He is cutting out bacon and cheese temporarily to see if he can break through a weight loss stall as he aims to lose his last 15 pounds.


He’s also going to be taking a local job and living with family members who follow the standard American diet. “One thing is for sure,” Michael states, “I could never go back to carbs and control it. I just know that about myself.”

Hiking in September 2018 at 286 pounds – before starting the Carnivore Diet
264 pounds – January 2019
June 2019 – 228 Pounds – Still want to get down to 209
Michael weighed 199 back in 2001.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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