Chris improved cardiovascular health, treated diabetes on carnivore diet

My name is Chris. I am 44 years old, a Licensed Massage Therapist and Herbalist, and the healthiest I have been in decades since adopting a carnivorous diet.


I am down around 120 lbs (and counting) and have had many health issues COMPLETELY clear up since going carnivore. I have tried every diet under the sun (I was a vegetarian for a year and a half, low-fat, low-carb, keto, ate only cereal, even ate baby food for a few months, etc.), and Meat-Only is the only diet that has really worked for me and healed my health problems.


Benefits Of Going Fully Carnivore


Following a Standard Ketogenic Diet last year took me part of the way, and I was able to lose some weight. But it seemed I was always losing and gaining the same 50 lbs, had long stalls, and frequently gave in to my cravings.


Cheat meals sometimes turned into cheat weeks. I was helping to coach some of my clients and friends with Keto but was not having the results I was after.


Since going full carnivore at the end of 2017, I have consistently been losing 2-4 lbs a week, with some even bigger week losses! I have ZERO cravings and ZERO hunger. I eat meat when hungry and drink water when thirsty, and I don’t restrict myself, either.


My friends and coworkers are amazed my fat is melting away. Eating ribeye steaks, bacon cheeseburgers, and chicken wings!


Improved Cardiovascular And Digestive Health


Besides the weight loss, the health gains have been amazing in so short a time! A Meat-Only diet has cleared up several conditions that persisted even on a standard ketogenic diet. These include:


CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH: My blood pressure is lower, my shortness of breath is gone (I used to huff and puff just walking short distances like across the house), and serious leg swelling (edema from venous insufficiency) for which I had to wear compression stockings is GONE!


DIGESTION: Meat-Only cleared up my diverticulitis! I would get frequent serious intestinal infections requiring antibiotics and was once hospitalized for a perforated colon. Doctors said I would one day require surgery to remove part of my colon.


I now know that the recommended high-fiber diet I was following was CAUSING the inflammation, gas, bloating, and increased colonic pressure that caused the bulging and subsequent infections. All of that went away when I removed all plants from my diet.


Meat is almost completely digested in the small intestine so the large intestine can heal. This is INVALUABLE for people with diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, IBS, etc.


Gains In Fitness And Mental Health


FITNESS: Able to walk longer distances, work out often, and engage in many activities I used to not be able to do or enjoy.


MOOD/MENTAL HEALTH: My mood is greatly improved and more stable. My depression is largely gone.


RESPIRATORY: Shortness of breath gone, chronic cough and congestion gone.


SKIN: The serious rashes and infections (sometimes requiring ER visits and antibiotics) that accompanied my leg swelling is gone, as are frequent boils, athlete’s foot, some lipomas, and skin tags.


WEIGHT LOSS: Losing 2-4 a week, down 120 lbs and counting!


UNCATEGORIZED/OTHER: Pre-diabetes gone, blood sugars normal and stable, prostate issues (pressure, urgency, etc) cleared up, and lifelong anemia resolved.



Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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