Success Stories

Real People, Real Results.

Carmen improved her digestion and heavy periods on a carnivore diet

45 year-old woman   My story mainly concerns the reproductive system, but also the gastrointestinal system.   Symptoms of Reproductive System Issues Prior symptoms affecting my reproductive system:   Agonizing periods (starting from about 33 years onward, steadily getting more intolerable), flooding, monthly cycle shortened to only 21 days (with 7 day long periods).   Two laparoscopic ovarian cystectomies (both

Joshua healed his IBS on a carnivore diet

Hi Mr Shawn, I’m from the FB group Principia Carnivora. IBS and a lot of pain I’ve been battling terrible IBS since I got food poisoning in 2005. So it’s been 12 years of consistent diarrhoea, pain and always having to be near a toilet. Unexplained weight gain around the belly, excessive sweating, drop in exercise performance, water retention and

Trey improved digestion, fitness, anxiety and depression on carnivore diet

Multifaceted Explanation Of Diet Change   This is going to be a multifaceted email to explain my previous symptoms/ailments before I changed my diet. Apologies for the long-winded email, but it’ll be worth your time reading.   Previous Diet Vs. Current Meat-Only Diet   I started following you on Twitter about 5-6 months ago. Began incorporating more eggs/various types of

Carly got scurvy from eating fruit and healed it on a carnivore diet

Hello, I have a younger point of view than most I know, and I hope it is useful. My name is Carly, and I am a tenth-grader in America.   I Almost Died   Let’s start with my early life. I was born to a long line of diabetics, those with chronic diseases and obesity. My mother was a diabetic

Sarah improved her depression and energy on a carnivore diet

Signs Of Depression At A Young Age I remember thinking that the trees looked less colorful than a time before, and I think that’s when the depression started. I must have been six or seven.   Struggles With Career And Mental Health Smart enough, the school wasn’t that much of a challenge, and I made it to the age of

Jodey improved body composition on a carnivore diet

Hi Shawn, I want to tell you about my experience with the carnivore diet. From keto to carnivore I’ve been eating a highly meat based ketogenic diet for a year now, basically meat and kale and broccoli with lots of butter.  Then 4 months ago I decided after a lot of research and thought (and getting my head around the

Kevin heals digestive issues on carnivore diet

Kevin is twenty-two years old and is attending college. He says, “I’m 5’ 10”, and I currently weigh around 196 pounds. I’ve been doing carnivore for a little over two months.” He had been following a ketogenic diet before and had lost 130 pounds that way. He lost a little more weight on carnivore: “I recently have lost twenty pounds

Anonymous improved aches, pains, chronic inflammation on carnivore diet

Thanks Shawn for all you do and your dedication to this very important issue. I used to be very athletic in my youth and then got into the low fat, white meat only, trying to include more and more vegetables, grains and vegetable proteins. I started to develop aches and pains and attributed them to age, like I guess pickup

Pyroxidine improved skin, IBS, and anxiety on a carnivore diet

This is the story of how I treated my severe acne with the carnivore diet, and incidentally discovered a range of additional health benefits. By sharing my experience, I hope to inspire others to take the carnivore approach – both to spare themselves the unpleasantness of this condition and the cocktails of pharmaceutical drugs involved in the mainstream medical treatment. For

Cathy improved join pain, mood and fatigue on a carnivore diet

I’ve been on keto on and off since last summer of 2018,  now I’m on carnivore woe and I think so far I love it more than keto it takes me less to get full and I don’t need to keep track of my macros because I only eat meat.  I just eat enough to satisfy me and since that’s

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