Food addiction & cravings

Real People, Real Results.

João heals gut, reverses insulin resistance, and manages food addiction on Carnivore diet

João’s Struggle with Yo-Yo Dieting and Digestive IssuesJoão struggled with yo-yo dieting and an addiction to food for many years. He says, like most people, when he researched how to lose weight, he was told to “eat less and move more.” His weight fluctuated several times for over twenty years. He described losing weight by restricting his calories and working

Veerle healed from PMS, mood swings, depression, and suicidal thoughts on a carnivore diet

Veere had been a vegetarian for seven years, and she was overweight. She injured her knee in a fall; it never healed properly, and it hurt when climbing stairs. Veerle developed carpal tunnel syndrome and couldn’t work. The condition always came back regularly.   Veerle’s Struggle with Health Issues and Addiction to Sugar   She found herself addicted to sugar

Robyn D healed 5 autoimmune diseases and removed 24 medications on a carnivore diet

Robyn was on a ketogenic diet before learning about the carnivore diet and has been a keto diet coach for years. Before keto, she was never very overweight or obese, but always wanted to be “skinny.” She says “I have been on a diet since before 14 years old, standard low-fat high-carb” and that this caused problems: “I developed binging

Rhonda cured anaemia and reduced menopause symptoms on the carnivore diet

Rhonda’s Journey to Better Health   Rhonda grew up on a family farm, eating organically raised and wild game. When she became a mother, she started eating a lot more carbohydrates to stretch her budget, turning her diet for the worse.   “I can remember so many times of that constant yo-yo of the coffee and then the carb crash

Parveen improved metabolic, thyroid, and mental health on a Carnivore diet

Meet Parveen, one of Carnivore.Diet’s coaches. Her journey started years ago when she had developed a leaky gut and was getting severe migraines, joint pain, and more. “I was reacting to all kinds of food; I had all kinds of environmental allergies to the point where I actually had to carry an EpiPen.” She didn’t find any help from the

Liz healed from depression, digestion, joint issues, and sugar addiction on carnivore diet

Struggles With Mental Health And Physical Pain   Meet Liz. Before Carnivore, she had a lot of issues with mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders, such as binge eating and overeating. The eating problems were a coping mechanism for her emotional problems, but they led to stomach and digestive issues and being overweight.   Liz was

Landon changed his relationship with food on a carnivore diet

Landon’s Struggle with Weight and Health Issues Landon struggled with his weight and wanted to set a better example for his wife and two sons. At 5’7”, he weighed 235 pounds and had over 35% body fat. “I was a walking heart attack!” he shares. “I knew I had to do something with my diet for my kids’ sake, not

Moira healed from anxiety and binge/emotional eating on a carnivore diet

Moira, a teacher from Australia, has successfully improved both her physical and mental health with a carnivore diet over the past year. At 35 years old, she enjoys abundant energy and can spend more time enjoying outdoor adventures with her kids.   Moira’s Struggles with Digestive Issues and Anxiety Two years ago, Moira struggled with digestive issues, including excess bloating.

Tiffany overcame decades of food addiction on a carnivore diet

Tiffany had spent much of her life addicted to food and was paying the price. When she began her carnivore journey, she found herself weighing 230 pounds, with poor energy and persistent hunger. Her sleep was poor, and her mind had become foggy from systemic inflammation.   Confronting Food Addiction and Its Consequences   Tiffany was experiencing anxiety and realized

Colin improved his digestion on a carnivore diet

From Vegan to Carnivore: Colin’s Journey to Better Health Colin used to believe that meat consumption would eventually destroy the earth, so he became a vegan. However, this decision led to unintended consequences. To Colin’s surprise, following a whole-foods, plant-based diet led to digestive issues, loss of muscle mass, and obesity.   Discovering the Carnivore Diet Colin and his dad

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