Food addiction & cravings

Real People, Real Results.

Kimberly resolved adult-onset cystic acne and lost 15lbs

From Athleticism to Inactivity: A Weight Gain Story   Kimberly describes before finding the carnivore way of eating, her diet “could have been better.” Kimberly was an athlete for most of her childhood and into her early twenties. Kimberly says she ate whatever she wanted on the Standard American Diet and didn’t fear gaining weight because she was so active.

Ame lost weight, balanced hormones, and is free from food addiction on carnivore lifestyle

Ame’s Struggle with Weight and Food Addiction   Ame is a mom of five and says she discovered the carnivore diet after years of dieting without any success. Ame had an addiction to food that she struggled to control. She says she ate the Standard American Diet and was overweight. Her weight made it difficult for Ame to feel confident

Jill F improves hormonal balance and mood and combats sugar cravings on carnivore diet

Jill has been on the carnivore diet for two years. Twenty-two years ago, she had half her thyroid removed after the birth of her fourth child. In an attempt to optimize her thyroid function, Jill chased lab results and tried different nutritional approaches and medications. She says it was a lot of trial and error. After her fifth baby, her

Aaron got rid of sugar cravings, and built muscle on a Carnivore based lifestyle

Aaron lives in Bali, Indonesia, and says he never took his health very seriously until several years ago. Aaron is thirty-one and says he didn’t have any significant health concerns before becoming a carnivore diet follower, but he knew he could be doing better for his health.   He describes struggling with itchy spots on the back of his head

Julia reached pre-pregnancy weight, reduced thyroid medication on a carnivore lifestyle

Julia’s Health Struggle Before the Carnivore Diet Julia has been struggling with weight and several other health issues for most of her life. Before finding the carnivore way of eating, Julia had psoriasis, hypothyroidism, joint pain, leaky gut, and depressive moods. She also had painful warts on the bottoms of her feet, making walking difficult.   The Journey to the

Nicola cleared her skin, no more cravings and sleeps better on a carnivore lifestyle

Nicola’s Journey to the Carnivore Diet   Nicola has been working on her health since 2018, and she’s never going back. Like many carnivore diet followers, Nicola started on the ketogenic diet. She says she was working with a personal trainer at the time, and the trainer recommended the keto diet. Since starting the keto diet, Nicola has lost over

Izzie healed from binge eating and endometriosis/reproductive issues on a Carnivore diet

Izzie’s Struggle with Health Issues   Izzie has struggled with severe allergies, hives, and asthma for most of her life. She says since she was two years old, her mom has done everything possible to help her daughter. She tried various creams and elimination diets, carried an inhaler with her everywhere, and only ate organic foods– nothing seemed to help.

Thomas cleared his acne, lost weight and eliminated overeating on a Carnivore lifestyle

Thomas’ Struggles with Acne and Gut Issues   Thomas struggled with severe acne and gut issues as a teenager. Thomas was an athlete who constantly competed and trained in football, wrestling, and swimming. He says his diet was complete garbage.   Thomas remembers eating foods like bagels and protein bars and going to Taco Bell and Buffalo Wild Wings quite

Tiffany carnivore lifestyle helped her overcome decades of sugar addiction and carb binges

Tiffany has changed her life and her health thanks to the carnivore diet. Tiffany grew up eating what she describes as a healthier version of the Standard American Diet. Tiffany says she began adding more grains and sugar to her diet once she became an adult. At that time, she also developed a sugar and carbohydrate addiction. Tiffany describes feeling

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