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Real People, Real Results.

Scott heals autoimmune issues, psoriasis, sleep issues on carnivore diet

My Journey To A Carnivore Diet Long-time vegetarian for about nine years (heavier on fiber, whole grains, and nut/seed fat), but not against eating meat. I just avoided it at home due to “ethical and sustainability” concerns (yes, I bought into the propaganda).   The Onset Of Symptoms About four years in, I noticed some subtle but consistent itches/rashes on

Travis drastically improves PTSD on a carnivore diet

Hi, my name is Travis. I am only like 3 weeks into this WOE, but the difference is pretty incredible. I will get into all the issues that this has helped, but first, some backstory.   Injury and PTSD I was Air Force as part of a Combat Communications unit, and deployed (a few times). I will not go into

Randi improves digestion, joint pain, and mood on a carnivore diet

Randi had always been overweight, and says, “I have struggled with weight loss MY ENTIRE LIFE.” She saw her clothing size increase to as much as 18 and says, “I have always accepted my body and been very confident, but always wanted to lose weight. I also have worked out very frequently my whole life, but it was a challenge

Mark improves body composition, performance on carnivore diet

Mark’s Journey To A Carnivore Diet   Mark was raised on a diet high in carbohydrates. He was interested in athletics from a young age and competed as an elite rugby player in his teens and early twenties. After quitting rugby at 38, Mark pursued competitive running and cycling.   He even competed in several triathlon events to “continue the

Martin lost anxiety, paranoia, fatigue, rhinitis on carnivore diet

After years of experimentation with keto and paleo diets, always allowing cheat days, I took the plunge into carnivory and have not looked back. All I eat is beef and butter. Anxiety, paranoia, fatigue and allergic rhinitis all vanished in a matter of weeks. My lifting regimen is energizing instead of exhausting, and my body is strong in ways I

Sandro improves mental clarity, exercise recovery, skin on carnivore diet

Elite Athlete Sidelined by Mental Health Issues Sandro, 29, has noticed a huge improvement in mental health and clarity, faster recovery time from exercise, and clearer skin since starting the Carnivore Diet.   Carnivore Diet Improves Mental Health, Skin, and Recovery Time Once an elite athlete who was close to going pro, Sandro was sidelined by symptoms of depression and

Scott improved sleep, strength, muscularity, and more on a carnivore diet

Scott was raised on a standard American diet filled with sugary and carb-laden foods. He jokes that his parents kept him “complicit and compliant” by offering him snacks. Until the eighth grade, Scott says he was on the “pudgy” side, but once he took up the sport of rowing, that began to change.   From Pudgy to Competitive Rower Throughout

Sarah ends migraines, has more stamina and energy on a carnivore diet

I was suffering from migraines for years and were getting increasingly worse.   Kaiser Permanente had no answers for preventions just the drugs to kill the pain. Also an MRI with no finding. I felt l like I wasn’t getting the full story.   I then had a turning point with a naturopathic doctor. He knew (with confidence) exactly what

Sim improved autism, depression and anxiety on a carnivore diet

My Experience With Autism Spectrum Disorder   Hey!   Love the incentive and want to share my story. There are not that many who discussed Autism, so I want to do my part! You can share my name: Sim Van Daele, and all the pictures.   I was born with Autism Spectrum Disorder which in the ’90s was still kind

Michal got rid of chronic fatigue on carnivore diet

My energy levels are great, my skin looks amazing, my hair is growing like crazy, and the wrinkles and gray hair I developed on vegan diet are disappearing Hello, my name is Michal. I was vegan for about four years. In a very short period of time, I developed mouth ulcers and lost a lot of weight that I later

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