Michal got rid of chronic fatigue on carnivore diet

My energy levels are great, my skin looks amazing, my hair is growing like crazy, and the wrinkles and gray hair I developed on vegan diet are disappearing

Hello, my name is Michal. I was vegan for about four years. In a very short period of time, I developed mouth ulcers and lost a lot of weight that I later gained back.


I got into cleansing, raw food, and juicing. I spent thousands of £££ on supplements and superfoods, thinking that they were the next magic thing and that another superfood hype would save me while my health was getting worse.


Two Crippling Years: The Negative Effects Of A Vegan Diet


After two years of being vegan diet, I developed chronic fatigue, severe mouth ulcers, mild depression, skin problems, IBS, infections, and shingles (I got scars on my forehead and was close to losing sight in my right eye, the doctor said).


My immune system was non-existent by that time, and chronic fatigue was getting worse and worse. My brain was “drying out,” screaming for oily fish!


Getting Out Of The Hole: Adding Meat To The Diet


Gradually I started adding fish, butter, raw kefir, and bone broth that helped me survive last winter. I started feeling better and stronger. I had my first piece of meat after five years in October last year, and it felt amazing.


It digested better than a green smoothie (now I know why), and I started eating more and more meat. Since the beginning of 2018, I have been mostly Carnivore!


Rapid Effects: Positive Changes On A Mostly Carnivore Diet


After only a few days on it, IBS and inflammation were gone, and I felt like getting new life. My energy levels are great, my skin looks amazing, my hair is growing like crazy, and the wrinkles and gray hair I developed on a vegan diet are disappearing.


I have enough energy to train between 2 to 6 hours a day, six times a week, and I did my first Ironman 70.3 last week.


Meat Truly Heals: Michal’s Gratitude For Shawn Baker

I’m so grateful for this journey to well-being. Meat truly heals.


Thank you, Shawn Baker!

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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