Fitness & exercise

Real People, Real Results.

David improved his diverticulitis, strength and energy on a carnivore diet

David was a relative newcomer to the carnivore lifestyle when he sent his success story, having found Dr. Baker’s videos only four weeks earlier. He is enthusiastic about his learning and says, “Mind blown.”   David’s Struggle With Digestive Issues And Failed Diets   David is 62 years old, weighs 196 lbs., and is 5′ 11” tall. He has had

Joel improved Crohn’s disease on carnivore diet

Hi, my name is Joel. I was raised in a small agricultural town on a standard American diet including plenty of local fruits and vegetables.  Although I was eating similarly to my family and peers, I started to see signs of poor digestive function in early adolescence.  These included severe heartburn, IBS, and abdominal pain. I also experienced poor skin

Debbie overcomes eating disorder through Carnivore Diet

Defeating Bulimia with a Carnivore Diet    At 54 years young, Debbie was bulimic most of her life from about age 19. She finally found food freedom starting with keto but would still have some bad days because, as she puts it, one can still overeat on keto snacks. She then moved to keto-carnivore, which helped her to cure 30-plus

Vlad manages his type 1 diabetes on a carnivore diet

Diagnosis And Hospitalization   My name is Vlad. I’m a 41yo type 1 diabetic.   I was diagnosed in January 2018 and hospitalized in ER as I was in keto acidosis with an a1c of 11.7, 329 blood glucose and just below normal level c peptide. I was immediately hooked to a “minibar” with insulin and vitamins.   Transition To

Sean improved fitness, chronic joint and back pain on carnivore diet

My story:   When I turned 40 in July 2017, I was “living a good life” filled with “good food” and “good booze”. What wasn’t good was my health. I was fat. My back hurt. My knees hurt. When I bent over to tie my shoes, I couldn’t breathe. I was always tired because I had a bad case of

Martin heartburn and sleep on a carnivore diet

Martin’s Health Issues and Frustrations with Healthcare Advice Martin had heartburn “every single day.” Looking back, he is a little frustrated with the healthcare advice that he was receiving at the time, noting that “My doctor prescribed me Prilosec and never asked me what I ate!? Prilosec didn’t do anything.”   Importance of Diet and Lifestyle in Healthcare When he

Taylor improved his tourettes, weight and digestion on a carnivore diet

Taylor shares his amazing story about how he has improved symptoms of Tourrette’s, autism spectrum disorder, and his weight on a carnivore diet.  Before switching to the carnivore diet, Taylor indulged in foods like chips, soda, ice cream, and pizza, and says he would get bored and just eat whatever he felt like. This eventually led him to weigh 264

Lee improved cardiovascular health, fitness, angina on carnivore diet

I’m a 67 yo physician, trained as a cardiac anesthesiologist who has been carnivore for 1 year. My previous medical history, included hypertension, coronary artery disease, Diabetes T2 with multiple problems associated with diabetes including visual problems, renal problems, cardiac, hypertension, significant peripheral neuropathy with muscle wasting and obesity. I also had some joint disease which limited my exercise. If

Stephen improved blood sugar, dental health, digestion on carnivore diet

The Problematic Nickname   I am 25, 175lbs, stronger, happier, with better skin and digestion, than I’ve had since I was 17. Growing up, my family, in an attempt to chastise me or tease me, gave me a sort of nickname regarding food: “cookies, cakes and candies.”   I loved sweets, and was known to eat all my brothers’ winter

Cobus improved liver and weight loss, and treated NAFLD on carnivore diet

My name is Cobus and I am 45, and I’ve been a carnivore for 5 months. Cobus’ Experience with Carnivore   5 years ago I was experiencing pain on my liver. I was drinking 5 litres of Coke a day. I tried to cut back but was not successful. My doctor at the time sent me for a sonar scan.

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