
Real People, Real Results.

Ex-Plant Eater Josie Defeats Ulcerative Colitis

A Vegan Overnight: Josie’s Journey to Plant-Based Eating After Struggling with Ulcerative Colitis    When Josie stumbled across a PETA tent at the tender age of 13, she was so moved by their content that she became a vegan overnight.   Fast forward ten years later, and her health was going downhill—fast. After being admitted to the hospital multiple times,

Ray’s Scale No Longer Dies Beneath Him

Age: 65   Former Athlete to Morbid Obesity   I was formerly athletic and became morbidly obese, peaking at least 365 pounds. I actually don’t know HOW HIGH my final weight went because my scale DIED beneath me one morning. Within half a year of this dietary change (heavy meat ketovore), I was down to 332 pounds and feeling great.

Donna G Healed from Adrenal Insufficiency

Struggles With Weight Loss and Health Issues   I have felt fat my whole life. I have struggled my whole life to just keep off a few pounds. At my heaviest I was 326 pounds. I used HCG, a notso-great way to lose weight and ended up at 170. I was happy there, but again it was a struggle to

Cindy resolved liver issues, headaches, fatigue, brain lesions all from a Carnivore lifestyle

Cindy’s Health Issues   Cindy has had a myriad of health issues throughout her life. Cindy was diagnosed with lupus which made her feel heavily fatigued, and she often struggled to get out of bed before eleven in the morning. Cindy was also diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome; her doctor even discovered white matter, or tumors, on her brain.  

Steffani healed chronic pain and fatigue on a Carnivore diet

Steffani’s Journey with Chronic Pain Steffani has lived most of her life in chronic pain. Since the age of only ten years old, Steffani has experienced pain in her body as well as chronic fatigue. Steffani grew up on a hog and hay farm and said she ate the standard diet, which included a lot of bread. Even as a

Sarah healed from PCOS, adrenal fatigue, depression, IBS, and eczema on a Carnivore diet

Sarah’s Struggle With Weight And Diets   Sarah is a carnivore coach with her Youtube channel, “carnivore yogi.” She always had a big problem with her weight. “I have lost 100 pounds three separate times in my life, and so I have struggled with eating disorders.”   Negative Effects Of Plant-Based Diet Before finding Carnivore, Sarah tried many diets: “I

Mike lost weight, healed digestive issues and improved his mental health on a carnivore diet

Mike has had incredible results with his first year on a carnivore diet. He came for the fat loss and stayed for better digestion, improved moods, and mental clarity.   Mike’s Journey to the Carnivore Diet   As a private music teacher working late hours, Mike followed a standard carbohydrate diet and prioritized convenience foods over prepping meals at home.

Matthew lost weight, gained more energy and no more back pain on a carnivore diet

Discovering the Carnivore Diet   Matthew had been struggling with depression and a lack of motivation. He heard about the carnivore diet through his uncle, who had faced similar struggles and decided to try it for himself. Together, they have had incredible success!   “My uncle was sharing the benefits of a carnivore diet that he was experiencing, and it

Heather healed her joint pain, plantar fasciitis, increased energy, mental clarity on a carnivore diet

Heather’s Childhood Trauma and Unhealthy Eating Habits Like many others who follow a standard American diet, Heather describes her former self as being “metabolically broken.” She suffered from terrible post-partum autoimmune flare-ups, low energy, and brain fog. Since starting a carnivore diet three months ago, all of those issues have been resolved, and she feels like she’s gotten her life

David resolved his sleep apnea on a carnivore diet

Overcoming Addiction and Healing with a Meat-Based Diet   David struggled with alcohol addiction for many years, but six years ago, he decided to reclaim his health and became sober. This decision gave David the discipline to follow a meat-based diet and heal from back pain, acid reflux, obesity, and sleep apnea.   The Cognitive Benefits of a Carnivore Diet

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