Autoimmune issues

Real People, Real Results.

Heather healed digestion, sciatica, and joint pains and reduced MS on a carnivore diet

Heather’s Struggles with Mal de Debarquement Syndrome and Obesity   Heather’s life and health have entirely changed since adopting the carnivore lifestyle. Heather has struggled with a rare ailment called mal de debarquement syndrome (MS) since 2010.   Heather says many people with this particular syndrome get it after being on a cruise ship, but the onset was spontaneous for

Three year carnivores -Karl and Judi – Karl was diagnosed with Crohn’s

Husband and Wife Team Up to Battle Health Issues Husband and wife Karl and Judi have been helping each other along their health journeys. Karl is a functional doctor by trade, and he and Judi have been operating his practice for many years. Karl admits his life as a medical professional has been stressful and affected his and Judi’s health.

Ryan Healed his Crohn’s disease symptoms on a carnivore diet

Ryan’s Journey with the Carnivore Diet Ryan’s diet before discovering the carnivore way of eating was very poor. Over time it wreaked havoc on his body, and Ryan was diagnosed with severe Crohn’s disease. His Crohn’s disease was so bad that Ryan was forced to have his gallbladder removed and colon resection surgery at just twenty-seven years of age.  

Xavier no longer has MS symptoms on a carnivore diet

Xavier is a world traveler, having been born French, growing up in the United States, then moving to China and, ultimately, Greece for work. Xavier says his diet before the carnivore way of eating was very negligent. He says he was “eating whatever, drinking whatever, and not realizing that going to the bathroom twice or three times a day with

Astrid’s Lyme and CFS in remission thanks to a Carnivore lifestyle

Astrid’s Health Struggles from Infancy to Adulthood   Astrid has been dealing with health concerns as far back as her infancy. She describes her mother telling her she was a very colicky baby. Astrid also often became sick as a child and dealt with severe constipation. Even as a young person, she thought the answer to all her problems was

Volodymir eliminated acid reflux, IBS, pyelonephritis, and Alzheimer’s on carnivore diet

Volodymir’s Journey to Better Health with the Carnivore Diet   According to Volodymir, the carnivore diet “saved my life.” Volodymir lives in Ukraine and says before the carnivore way of eating, his health was vastly declining. Volodymir struggled with intense indigestion issues and insomnia. He also struggled with pain in his teeth and sinuses. However, the most significant health crisis

Inge eliminated anxiety disorder & pain and healed skin and gut issues on a carnivore diet

From Ballet to Bariatric Surgery: Inge’s Health Journey Inge was very active during her childhood and teen years. She says she was athletic and spent a lot of time training in ballet. During this time, Inge ate whatever she wanted. Her body could burn all the calories and carbohydrates because she was constantly training. Looking back, she recognizes she was

Rick is off all medications for chronic inflammation and malaise on a Carnivore lifestyle

Rick’s Health Struggles Rick has spent most of his life playing sports and even ran marathons as a middle-aged adult. However, Rick’s diet was causing him inflammation and pain. He has had four knee replacements, surgery in his neck, and intense pain in other areas of his body. Rick also struggled with high blood pressure, eczema, and weight gain.  

John V healed his crohns disease and now has negative biopsy results all from a carnivore diet

John’s Journey with Crohn’s Disease and the Carnivore Diet John says even before he became a carnivore diet follower, he was into health and fitness. He describes eating a Standard American Diet but emphasizing protein, vegetables, and fruit. However, at just twenty-one years old, John was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease– a disease of the body characterized by inflammation in the

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