Matt eliminated athlete’s foot and heartburn on a carnivore lifestyle

Before discovering the carnivore diet, Matt says his eating consisted of pizza, spaghetti, bread, and an addiction to Oreos. Matt says he didn’t have any significant health issues as you would expect from a forty-year-old eating the Standard American Diet. However, he did experience intense acid reflux and athlete’s foot, and he also noticed his moods were not completely stable.


Discovering the Paleo Diet and the Effects of Sugar

After he turned forty, his wife convinced him to join her at a CrossFit gym, which Matt was somewhat reluctant to do. However, he soon gained a love for CrossFit, and it was there that he discovered the paleo diet.


Learning about Cancer as a Metabolic Disease

Matt initially eliminated grains, potatoes, dairy, and other sugary foods while following the paleo way of eating. However, it wasn’t until his mom was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer that he truly began to learn the effects of sugar. Matt’s mom was not given a lot of hope. Her doctors told her to expect never fully get rid of the cancer in her body. The doctors also told her they could temporarily get her into a point of remission, but eventually, the cancer would return with a vengeance.


Matt decided to do some research outside of his mom’s doctors. He discovered a book called “Tripping Over the Truth” by Travis Christofferson. In the book, the author explains his theory of cancer being a “metabolic disease.” Matt says he also learned how cancer is fed by sugar and that the best way to rid of cancer is to starve it of sugar.


Matt relayed his discoveries to his parents and decided to follow the keto diet with his mom to support her. Despite her poor prognosis, Matt’s mom is doing very well today. She continues to follow the keto diet and is in remission. Even better, she continues to prove her doctors wrong. Matt says she even has more strength now than she did before she had cancer.


Trying the Carnivore Diet and its Effects on Health and Well-being

Matt continued to follow the keto diet for a couple of years. He says he noticed an improvement in his moods, but his acid reflux and athlete’s foot remained. One day, he heard Dr. Shawn Baker on Joe Rogan’s podcast and decided to try the carnivore diet. Within three months of living the carnivore lifestyle, Matt’s acid reflux and athlete’s foot disappeared.


Matt has now been following the carnivore diet for eighteen months. He says he only eats a little because he often does not feel hungry. He’s even been known to fast for up to four days while on business trips. He does enjoy mostly beef (particularly ground beef) and some fish. He also shared that he enjoys a chaffle (a waffle made out of cheese) with sugar-free syrup as a treat on the weekends.


Matt says he feels stronger now that he is following the carnivore diet. He shared that he continues to break his weight-lifting records and feels his body changing to be more muscular. Matt also said he can finally say he is no longer addicted to Oreos and other sugary foods. Overall, his moods are much more stable, and he says he finds much joy in his life as a carnivore.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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1 thought on “Matt eliminated athlete’s foot and heartburn on a carnivore lifestyle”

  1. My name is Jose, I’ll try to keep my comments short since English is not my first language. I went fully carnivore 5 days ago. My athletes foot is 70% gone, two medium sized warts (armpit and upper shoulder), gone. Last year and a half observing blood in the toilet on every trip with no hope. Gone. In the last 5 days nothing in this world can make me angry even if I try. Side effects are palpitations and headaches around midday, that’s whe I rely on electrolytes and some high quality honey. I had almost forgotten how it felt to go to the restroom and not bleeding

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