Lester improved his fitness, pain, and body composition on a carnivore diet

I am a 69-year-old male and have been 99% carnivore for eight months.


Fifteen years ago, I had surgery and chemotherapy for testicular cancer. Now I have Hypothyroidism and Hypogonadism.


Lester’s Experience with Carnivore 

During the first two months of Carnivore, my energy went up, tripled my push-ups, doubled my pull-ups, gained more knee/hip flexibility, and added 15 pounds of body weight. During one year of keto, I lost 15 pounds and could not build muscle. Overall felt great and confident that I was regaining my youth.


At the three-month mark, I started to wake up in the morning with stiff hands, knees, and hips. My knees began to hurt more every following week until, at about the six-month mark, I could not walk without pain. This surprised me because my left knee had never in my life ever had pain.


After the six-month crisis, my knees slowly became less painful, so that at eight months, my only concern now is to regain the flexibility I had at month 2. Overall feeling confident again about regaining my youth.


At seven months, I lost the urgency to pee and occasional accidental leak during the daytime. A problem I’ve had for the past 30 years. Great development!


I’ve had night leg cramps for the past ten years. Experimenting with the carnivore diet and salt helped me discover I was sodium deficient, although my blood tests for sodium were normal. I now eat around 2 – 3 tablespoons of salt daily, and the cramping disappeared. Blood pressure remains stable at about 105/65. Another win for me!


Waist size went from 34 to 33. Body fat may be dropped from 22% to 17%. Best shape my body has seen since my college days.


Overall, Carnivore is a win for me, and hoping for more positive results.


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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