Joette got off 24 medications on carnivore diet

Hello, my name is Joette. Let me show you what an 80lb transformation looks like. In fact, the first 2 pics were taken the day before I had a gastric lap band installed. (18 years ago.) 7 years later the band would fail & nearly kill me. I had an emergency surgery & to have it removed. The 80lbs I had lost from the surgery came back almost immediately! I had a band on my stomach, which restricted my food intake, which also restricted my nutrients that lead to poor metabolism, destroyed my hormone health, etc…


On My Way Back Again

Since Jan. 3, 2017 I have been effortlessly losing the 80lbs again, but have never restricted my calories, I have never felt starved or deprived! I’m sure I have fixed my metabolic health, hormones, depression, anxiety, cellular heath & much more! Up to July 31st 2018, I was eating #ketogenicdiet . Aug. 1, 2018 (my birthday) I switched to the #carnivorediet … My journey wasn’t just weight loss anymore, it was healing! 🙌

No More Meds

I’m off 24 meds now, a CPAP machine, inhaler, infusions from the doctors office every 8 weeks, Celiac Disease & IBS under control, no more hypertension that had to be controlled with 4 different meds and ‘3’ Autoimmune Diseases in remission!

Carnivore Challenge Feeling Good

I’m so thankful that put a 1 month Carnivore challenge out that August! This way of eating has been life changing for me! 🙏 Once I had completed that first month of Carnivore, there was NO WAY I was turning back! I had forgotten how it felt to feel good… I couldn’t remember ever feeling as good as I did in my life! People may think I’m strange for this way of eating! I don’t care, it’s working!


My Health Journey

I just want to share my health journey with you & maybe give someone a little encouragement. I am not where I want to be yet, but I’ve come a long way… I had been struggling for about 6 years with a LOT of symptoms that couldn’t seem to be diagnosed. So many different symptoms that I was sent to a Rheumatologist, Pulmonologist, Cardiologist, Hematologist & a Neurologist. As you can imagine, all of these Specialist found something to diagnose me with. And naturally they all began prescribing the meds…

The Meds

Lots and lots of meds! 26 different medications to be exact. This took them about 3 years to do… So for the second half of the 6 years I should have been feeling better all medicated up, right? Nope, instead I ballooned up to 234lbs & actually felt worse. The diagnosis was Depression, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Chronic Fatigue, Sjogren’s Syndrome & Celiac Disease. Plus, I had Hypertension & Sleep Apnea, with a touch of Neuropathy.

Keto For Weight Loss

I decided to try to take charge of my weight on Jan. 3, 2017 with the Ketogenic Diet that I had heard about. Plus, it would be gluten-free for the Celiac Disease that I had just been diagnosed with. Well, I lost 80lbs in just 1 1/2 years… I discovered that this way of eating was definitely going to be sustainable. But, I felt like there had to be more benefits that I could be getting out of this way of eating, because I had heard & read stories of people healing their depression, etc… The only thing I had under control was the Celiac Disease. This is when I took the Carnivore Diet challenge…

Carnivore For Optimal Health

I thought what the heck, my weight is stalled so I might as well give it a try. I don’t think 2 weeks has passed into this Carnivore Diet I noticed that I was walking better, I didn’t have all the nagging pain I suffered with daily & I was sleeping better! I had some of my regular doctors visits during this time… Guess what?!?! My blood work started coming back amazing!

Confusing The Doctor

My bloodwork was so amazing that my Hematologist was scratching his head trying to figure out what was going on… In 3 years that he’d been working with me & giving me iron infusions had he seen my numbers so good. I told the hematologist I knew why they were so good & why I’m feeling so good. I don’t think he wanted to hear what I had to say, but I told him anyway. I told him about the Carnivore Diet! He just did a face plant in his hands while shaking his head & mumbled “I’ve heard this a lot lately.” 😊In the next few months, I never lost any more weight. But, more amazing things started happening! I lost inches, I was able to come off of 24 out of 26 meds & I was able to stop using my CPAP machine!!!

Sharing With Others

I want to share, share, share this info with you… Wishing to give hope to others or give someone the courage to try Carnivore if they are having qualms. I only wish I had known about Carnivore Diet sooner. Let’s all get the word out!

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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5 thoughts on “Joette got off 24 medications on carnivore diet”

  1. Congrats == would like to touch base with Joette as I have the lap band and other things she has dealt with.

  2. Thank you for sharing. I’ve just begun with carnivore principles. Still finding my way through it because it’s almost too simple. But I realized that spinach was an arthritis trigger for me. Just like the traditional wisdom says. If I hadn’t tried carnivore I’d never have figured that out. I also deal with many of the issues you mentioned, including Celiac disease. My chronic fatigue is better now that I’ve increased red meat and reduced plant foods. I got he flu and it felt like a “normal” flu, not too severe. I used to wish for death if I got the flu. Not anymore, it was just normal, like years ago. Best of all, I can bend at the waist and I don’t get dizzy. I never thought about how disabling that is until it happened to me. Dishwasher? Can’t unload it. Dryer, forget it. Make the bed? No way. Tie your shoes? Better sit down first. I knew Celiac had made me anemic but just a Gluten Free diet wasn’t enough to heal. I hope to write a success story someday. Thanks for yours! Happy New Year!

  3. You look amazing now! I’ve just started keto/carnivore (also a challenge by Dr. Ken Berry) and look forward to seeing changes.

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