Melissa improved chronic fatigue, PCOS and endometriosis on carnivore diet

Melissa’s Health Challenges: The Journey to a Carnivore Diet


Melissa began her search for a proper diet because she saw that her health was unstable. Over the years, she had seen her weight fluctuate from being overweight to being obese, and at some points being underweight.


From Weight Fluctuations to Metabolic Syndrome and More


Because of her weight problems, she developed metabolic syndrome, which caused her body to stop responding to insulin as it should. Inflammation had resulted in a host of additional problems, including interstitial cystitis. This is a painful bladder condition that is challenging for many people to get relief from.


Hormonal Imbalances and Chronic Infections


Melissa’s blood pressure had become elevated, and her blood lipids, such as cholesterol, had become very imbalanced as well. Her microbiome was imbalanced, resulting in chronic yeast infections.


These are common infections that are made worse by diets that have sugar or even just carbohydrates. Melissa also developed endometriosis, a condition where cells that normally grow inside the lining of the uterus begin to grow outside the uterus.


These cells can cause adhesions in nearby tissues such as the ovaries, intestines, and bladder. It is also known to cause severe pain. Melissa also experienced grade 2 pelvic organ prolapse as well as vulvodynia, which is pain in and around the vagina. Ouch!


The imbalances that Melissa was experiencing affected her in other ways, causing her moods to fluctuate, her motivation to wane, and problems with weak nails, teeth, and her immune system, as well as skin changes.


Bioidentical Hormones and Menopause


Because of her hysterectomy, Melissa needed to use bioidentical hormones to stabilize her hormones at a normal level. Her menopause journey was defined by these changes.


The Benefits of a Carnivore Diet: Melissa’s Transformation


Melissa took her time making the leap to a carnivore diet, but it paid off: “I came to carnivore in the spring of 2019 after thinking about it for a year and reluctantly deciding to give it a 30 day trial. I had gradually lost 40 pounds before starting carnivore and was at a normal BMI.


I’ve lost an additional 13 pounds effortlessly since making the transition. I no longer have most of the above issues and the only medication I’m on is bio-identical HRT for early menopause from the hysterectomy.”


As she continued on the diet, Melissa saw her health return: “The additional benefits I’ve experienced so far include: stable mood, increased motivation, improved relationships, stronger nails, softer skin and hair, stronger teeth and immune system.”


Melissa is getting back to living her life, saying, “I’m also feeling so good that I’ve decided to go back to University in the Fall to finish a degree I put on the back burner over 25 years ago! I finally have energy and desire to live life to the fullest!


Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the inspiring people in the carnivore community who shared your stories.”

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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2 thoughts on “Melissa improved chronic fatigue, PCOS and endometriosis on carnivore diet”

  1. Wow, this is so amazing! Just getting off all of the meds alone is a monumental achievement! Thanks for sharing your inspirational story.

  2. Hi Melissa, this is an amazing story! I’ve included what you shared on a podcast of mine, as I share success stories as a segment to inspire and educate others on what carnivore can do. Please message me on IG @ mrggonzales if you’d to talk about it more, or would like me to take it down. Take care!

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