Weight loss

Real People, Real Results.

Ryan resolved high blood pressure, migraines, heart burn, allergies on a carnivore diet

Ryan has struggled with his weight for most of his life. He describes eating the Standard American Diet (SAD), and for many years his eating habits consisted of cereal, breakfast bars, fast food, and soda– lots of soda! Ryan says he hit 200 pounds at thirteen, and his weight continued to creep up throughout his teens and early twenties. Ryan

Daniel has mental clarity, more strength, and endurance on the carnivore lifestyle

Daniel has been following the carnivore diet for over two years and isn’t looking back. Daniel says before the carnivore way of eating, his health wasn’t terrible. He grew up eating a lot of meat and already had some healthy practices in place. However, as he got older, his weight began to creep up, he noticed his physically demanding job

Glenn lost weight, gained muscle, and improved gut health on a carnivore diet

Glen came to the carnivore diet not for a significant physical illness but for his mental health. Glen says growing up, he was very active and ate a diet full of protein and carbohydrates. He was taught as a child and teen to use “carbs for energy.” As Glen got older and went to college, his mental health began to

Aaron got rid of sugar cravings, and built muscle on a Carnivore based lifestyle

Aaron lives in Bali, Indonesia, and says he never took his health very seriously until several years ago. Aaron is thirty-one and says he didn’t have any significant health concerns before becoming a carnivore diet follower, but he knew he could be doing better for his health.   He describes struggling with itchy spots on the back of his head

Tommy lost weight on a carnivore lifestyle

Tommy has only been consistently following the carnivore way of eating for three months and is already seeing significant changes in his health. Tommy says his life and health before the carnivore diet were “very poor.” Tommy describes his eating consisted of a lot of fast food, junk food, soda, beer, and his favorite–Mexican food. He was eating an absurd

Sammy went on a carnivore diet to control inflammation

Sammy’s Struggle with Health Issues During the Pandemic Like many people, Sammy gained excess weight during the covid pandemic. Sammy says he didn’t realize how large he had become until he saw himself in a video at church. Additionally, Sammy also suffered from sleep apnea, which had gotten so bad that his wife would count how often he stopped breathing

Volodymir eliminated acid reflux, IBS, pyelonephritis, and Alzheimer’s on carnivore diet

Volodymir’s Journey to Better Health with the Carnivore Diet   According to Volodymir, the carnivore diet “saved my life.” Volodymir lives in Ukraine and says before the carnivore way of eating, his health was vastly declining. Volodymir struggled with intense indigestion issues and insomnia. He also struggled with pain in his teeth and sinuses. However, the most significant health crisis

Paul lost weight and got off 2 blood pressure medications on the carnivore lifestyle

Unlike many carnivore diet followers, Paul decided to try the carnivore way of eating after his doctor recommended it. For many years, Paul struggled with weight, blood pressure, and joint pain. He said, in his mind, “I had given up.” He spent many meals gorging himself on high-carbohydrate foods to the point that he often felt nauseous after eating. Even

Julia reached pre-pregnancy weight, reduced thyroid medication on a carnivore lifestyle

Julia’s Health Struggle Before the Carnivore Diet Julia has been struggling with weight and several other health issues for most of her life. Before finding the carnivore way of eating, Julia had psoriasis, hypothyroidism, joint pain, leaky gut, and depressive moods. She also had painful warts on the bottoms of her feet, making walking difficult.   The Journey to the

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