Paul lost weight and got off 2 blood pressure medications on the carnivore lifestyle

Unlike many carnivore diet followers, Paul decided to try the carnivore way of eating after his doctor recommended it. For many years, Paul struggled with weight, blood pressure, and joint pain. He said, in his mind, “I had given up.” He spent many meals gorging himself on high-carbohydrate foods to the point that he often felt nauseous after eating. Even though he was active and enjoyed activities like disc golf, his body was constantly exhausted, holding him back from being as busy as he would have liked.


Discovering the Carnivore Diet Through Medical Recommendation

Paul had heard of the carnivore diet from the Joe Rogan podcast. Paul says he had listened to Jordan Peterson on Joe Rogan’s podcast and how the diet had changed both Joe and Jordan’s lives, but he didn’t take the diet very seriously. He said it didn’t sound feasible to his logic. Then last September, Paul went to see his doctor, who had just recorded a podcast on his channel with Dr. Shawn Baker and thought the diet would be perfect for Paul. After his doctor recommended the diet, Paul decided to try it.


Easy Transition to the Carnivore Diet

Paul says the carnivore diet has been very easy for him. He initially had some issues with diarrhea the first week, but after that, his body worked itself out. Paul says he loves meat and isn’t a fan of vegetables (due to being considered a supertaster) so eating some of his favorite foods every day wasn’t challenging. In fact, in just a short period, Pauls says he felt like he had “died and gone to heaven.”


Benefits of the Carnivore Diet: Weight Loss, Increased Energy, and Reduced Joint Pain

Paul has been able to lose approximately forty pounds and wean himself off all his blood pressure medications. Paul says he has much more energy, and the carnivore diet has reduced his joint pain. He even finds himself playing disc golf with “much younger guys” and can keep up with them without issues.


A Typical Day of Eating for Paul on the Carnivore Diet

Initially, Paul ate two meals a day, but he quickly transitioned to one meal a day after he found that his body didn’t seem to need the extra meal. A typical day for Paul includes eating a steak with butter (he loves eating New York strips). He says he also enjoys bone-in pork chops, shrimp and other seafood, and eggs–particularly omelets with cheese, bacon, and sausage.


The Importance of Community Support on the Carnivore Diet

Paul is thankful for the push he received from his doctor to prioritize his health and to try the carnivore diet. He also says his doctor is excited about all of the progress he has made. Paul also recently joined the MeatRx community and said he loves the support from other carnivore diet followers. He says he has enjoyed a few MeatRx meetings and a coaching call, which he felt were beneficial for keeping him motivated.


Paul’s Advice for Anyone Looking to Try the Carnivore Diet

Paul says his advice for anyone looking to start this way of eating is to “give it some time.” He says the diet can feel overwhelming, but the benefits are worth the work. Paul says this way of eating for him is “for the long term.” Paul is thankful he found this lifestyle and is never returning to his previous way of eating.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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