Cardiovascular health

Real People, Real Results.

Brian no longer suffers from tears and strains on a carnivore diet

From Bodybuilding Diet to Carnivore Lifestyle: Brian’s Journey Before switching to a carnivore diet, Brian spent many years following what he calls a “traditional bodybuilding diet”, which included chicken, rice, and broccoli. He followed the guidance of a high-carb, high-protein, and low-fat diet, and regularly tracked his macros. He ate 5-6 times per day, and suffered from IBS (irritable bowel

Andy improved his sleep and anxiety on a carnivore diet

Living a fast-paced life in Los Angeles, Andy downed a green juice smoothie almost every day. His diet was full of fresh fruits and vegetables, but by the time he reached his early thirties, he had become riddled with anxiety and often had low energy throughout his day. Traveling, partying, and a high-stress job were beginning to take a toll

E has lowered triglycerides and improved blood work on a carnivore diet

The Journey of Seeking Solutions for Health Issues   Around 2008, I started seeing a new doctor because I had long been plagued with food issues and “tummy troubles” like IBS and food allergies. In late 2010, after a series of trips to the ER and undergoing more GI testing than the average 24 year old, I had my gallbladder

Trudy improved sleep, fitness, and pain on a carnivore fasting lifestyle

Hi, my name is Trudy; 59 years old, 5’7″, and weigh around 125 lbs. At one point in my life, not that long ago, I weighed over 160 lbs, was sluggish, full of inflammation, stressed, and strung out.   Trudy’s Journey to Fasting Carnivore Lifestyle   I have been a Fasting Carnivore since September 2019 and have experimented with fasting

Mark improved respiration with a fasting keto-carnivore diet

Hi, I’m Mark, let me give you a short summary of my experience.   Fasting works   Fasting, whether time restricted OMAD, my many 36-48 hour fasts, my one three day and one five day fasts were all vital elements in my mostly meat keto diet.   Off my meds   I’m off amlodipine and lisinopril as well as Fluticasone.

Matthew recovered his health from a vegan diet by going carnivore

Hi,   I shared this on a carnivore fb page tmand they told me to contact you guys with my story.   “I’m posting this for motivation to others and to share my experience of how veganism ruined my health and took me a long time to recover. Only recently being 3 months primarily Carnivore have I begun to full

Krissy eliminated chronic pain on carnivore diet

Hi I’m Krissy. Let me give you a little bit of background first: I always had an interest in health from the time I was young when I worked as a lifeguard, swam, and was very active. I originally wanted to become a doctor to help others with their health so my first degree was in Biology.  Starting My Own

Katya improved digestion, bladder and kidney pain on a carnivore diet

Katya’s Journey into Raw Veganism and Health Problems   My name is Katya. Basically, I was a Raw Vegan and pioneer of the lifestyle in Australia some 20 years ago. I opened the first Raw and living foods cafe, way ahead of its time, then went on to teach classes, programs and run retreats.    I have a background in

Conner lost fat and gained performance on a carnivore diet

Connor’s Carnivore Experience   As a Marine I am required to be at peak physical readiness. They try and preach “good” diets but all too often they follow the SAD… so it wasn’t a surprise when I was meant with significant levels of decent when I went carnivore.   They laughed when I said I was only going to eat

Jurriaan fixed his depression on a carnivore diet

Jurriaan’s Struggles with Health Issues on a Plant-Based Diet Jurriaan, 32, is a personal trainer from the Netherlands who suffered from a laundry list of health issues, including anxiety, depression, low libido, chronic pain, and chronic fatigue while following a plant-based diet. He lost muscle and experienced other issues that only worsened, leading to his search for a solution to

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