Autoimmune Health

Real People, Real Results.

Eric relieved arthritis, reconfigure body composition on a carnivore lifestyle

Health Struggles and Experimentation with Diets Eric describes himself as a bit of a “foodie” and enjoyed eating unique foods throughout his life. Before finding the carnivore way of eating, Eric thought he was healthy. Eric ate a lot of vegetables and said he was an avid beer drinker, even as a teen. He is also a weightlifter and regularly

Three year carnivores -Karl and Judi – Karl was diagnosed with Crohn’s

Husband and Wife Team Up to Battle Health Issues Husband and wife Karl and Judi have been helping each other along their health journeys. Karl is a functional doctor by trade, and he and Judi have been operating his practice for many years. Karl admits his life as a medical professional has been stressful and affected his and Judi’s health.

Ryan Healed his Crohn’s disease symptoms on a carnivore diet

Ryan’s Journey with the Carnivore Diet Ryan’s diet before discovering the carnivore way of eating was very poor. Over time it wreaked havoc on his body, and Ryan was diagnosed with severe Crohn’s disease. His Crohn’s disease was so bad that Ryan was forced to have his gallbladder removed and colon resection surgery at just twenty-seven years of age.  

Astrid’s Lyme and CFS in remission thanks to a Carnivore lifestyle

Astrid’s Health Struggles from Infancy to Adulthood   Astrid has been dealing with health concerns as far back as her infancy. She describes her mother telling her she was a very colicky baby. Astrid also often became sick as a child and dealt with severe constipation. Even as a young person, she thought the answer to all her problems was

John V healed his crohns disease and now has negative biopsy results all from a carnivore diet

John’s Journey with Crohn’s Disease and the Carnivore Diet John says even before he became a carnivore diet follower, he was into health and fitness. He describes eating a Standard American Diet but emphasizing protein, vegetables, and fruit. However, at just twenty-one years old, John was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease– a disease of the body characterized by inflammation in the

Melissa overcame sugar addiction, high blood pressure, and arthritis on a Carnivore diet

Melissa has been fighting a severe sugar addiction for most of her life. She describes herself as a six-year-old stealing money from her father’s jacket pocket to feed her sugar addiction. She continued using tactics of “lying, cheating and stealing” to feed her addiction to sugar well into her teen years. Melissa said in 1981, she was introduced to Equal,

Mike improved IBS, eye sight, and type 2 diabetes on the carnivore lifestyle

Mike’s Diagnosis and Treatment   In 1996, Mike contracted the Epstein-Barr virus. After eighteen months of feeling exhausted, he decided he needed help from a doctor. The doctor looked at him, saw how terrible he looked and felt, and immediately put him in the hospital. It was there Mike learned the virus had caused him to develop Hodgkins Lymphoma– a

Nicki K healed Fibromyalgia on a carnivore diet

Growing Up on the Standard American Diet Nicki grew up eating the Standard American Diet. She describes eating Butterfingers to combat stress and remembers being in her late twenties and eating a Poptart for breakfast. Now her breakfast meals look a little different.   Exploring Vegetarian and Vegan Diets Nicki spent a portion of her life experimenting with vegetarian and

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