Kyle treated his depression and digestive symptoms on a carnivore diet

Before finding success on a carnivore diet, Kyle was 225 pounds, exercised regularly, and focused on any food that had “protein” listed on the label. His meals were heavy on salads, nuts, and processed foods with many additives.


“I was bloated all the time. None of the other mechanics wanted to be around me!” he jokes. Kyle struggled to feel full and remembers constantly eating and upping his calorie intake to make gains at the gym. “It was the typical ‘bro stuff,’ and I never got to the point I wanted to get to.”


Discovering the All-Meat Diet


While he has never been formally diagnosed, Kyle suspected his mental health was deteriorating. He considered Jordan Peterson’s interview on Joe Rogan’s podcast and how he had found healing from depression on an all-meat diet.


After trying it for two days, Kyle noticed he felt much better mentally and had no signs of bloating. The “beer belly” he was used to seeing in the mirror was gone!


Transitioning to a Meat-Based Diet


Like many new to the carnivore lifestyle, Kyle had a few issues transitioning to a meat-based diet. He had mild digestive discomfort and low energy in the first two weeks. Balancing his electrolytes and intermittent fasting helped solve those issues. “It was like a light switch; this is the ticket!” he recalls thinking.


Fasting as an Exercise of Discipline


Kyle continues exploring different approaches to fasting and enjoys refining his process based on what his body tells him. Now 15 months in, Kyle has switched to an earlier feeding window and often limits his meals to breakfast and lunch. He sticks to ground beef, ribeye steak, and eggs.


“I find I stay more satiated eating earlier in the day,” he notes. For Kyle, fasting seems to be more of an exercise of discipline. “I find it’s very spiritual for me, and I’m way more productive. It frees up more time, and I often feel euphoric during a fast.”


Benefits of Carnivore Lifestyle: Mental and Physical Health


Kyle reports being stronger than ever in terms of fitness and has made all sorts of gains since fueling his body with meat. He describes himself as being competitive, always up for a new challenge, and enjoys long-distance running several days a week. “I am the number one stepper in my company of 1,400 employees!” he shares.


Regarding his mental health, Kyle is happy to share that he no longer struggles with suicidal thoughts or depression. He has a more optimistic outlook and plenty of stamina to get through a busy shift as an auto mechanic.


Ready to fight the status quo, Kyle observes, “When we get back to a more ancestral approach to eating food, we feel a lot better, look a lot better, and we can potentially reverse the idea that health conditions are hereditary.”


Kyle can attest to the strength of the carnivore community. “Plenty of people helped me along the way, and that has made all the difference in finding my own way,” he says. He’s part of the World Carnivore Tribe and My Zero-Carb Life social groups and often shares his story with others.


“If you think this could work for you, just give it an honest attempt. We should all want better for ourselves, our children, and our parents.”


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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