
Real People, Real Results.

Karen is no longer on blood pressure and cholesterol medicines on a Carnivore lifestyle

Karen’s High-Carbohydrate Italian Diet and Health Issues Karen’s grandparents are from Italy, and she says the traditional high-carbohydrate Italian foods have always been a big part of her life. She says growing up, and even into adulthood, her diet consisted of pasta, sandwiches, bagels, pizza, and french toast– to name a few. She said she would occasionally eat some eggs,

Steffani healed chronic pain and fatigue on a Carnivore diet

Steffani’s Journey with Chronic Pain Steffani has lived most of her life in chronic pain. Since the age of only ten years old, Steffani has experienced pain in her body as well as chronic fatigue. Steffani grew up on a hog and hay farm and said she ate the standard diet, which included a lot of bread. Even as a

Jessie cleared up eczema, inflammation, and pains on a carnivore lifestyle

Jessie’s Health Journey Jessie has been suffering from eczema and anxiety for most of his life. Growing up, he was told to eat his vegetables like most kids. He says he ate a lot of pasta and other high-carbohydrate foods and drank a lot of milk and Coca-Cola. At the age of fifteen, he noticed what he describes as a

Chandler reversed non-alcoholic fatty liver, GI issues, and inflammation on carnivore diet

Chandler’s Health Struggles   Chandler describes himself as relatively healthy during his childhood and teen years, despite his terrible diet. He found himself snacking all day, eating a lot of candy and other non-nutritious foods, drinking five to ten diet or regular sugary sodas daily, and drinking up to five cups of coffee.   Chandler even had a habit of

Stefania controls autoimmune disorders, celiac and Hashimotos on a carnivore lifestyle

Stefania’s Journey to the Carnivore Diet Being Italian, Stefania was raised on pasta and described her relationship with food before finding the carnivore diet as being very poor. She says she always felt chubby, even though she wasn’t obese, and often found herself stress eating. She even battled anorexia and bulimia.   From Vegetarian to Keto Stefania became a vegetarian

Carla heals Hashimoto’s and is off all thyroid meds on a Carnivore lifestyle

Carla’s Background and Early Eating Habits   Carla has never been a person who ate the Standard American Diet. Growing up in the 1970s, her mom experimented with eating vegetarian throughout her childhood and teen years.   Later in her twenties and thirties, Carla said she continued to eat what most people consider healthy. She ate a lot of chicken

Rich improved joint, ligament pain and allergies on a carnivore lifestyle

A Family Affair: Converting Rich’s Wife to the Carnivore Way of Eating   Rich’s journey into a carnivore lifestyle has been a family affair. Rich describes his diet at a young age as the Standard American Diet. He used to eat fast food every day in his early adulthood and struggled with his weight. Over twenty years ago, Rich’s weight

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