
Real People, Real Results.

Corina eliminates depression and anxiety on carnivore diet

As a kid I loved meat, fish, cheese and butter. Since I am from Switzerland, I certainly had my share of good quality cheeses. In particular the goat and sheep cheeses were my favourite. Unfortunately, Switzerland is also famous for its delicious chocolate. I stuffed my face with it daily. I was definitely a sugar junkie. Fruits and vegetables had

Adam improved digestion, fitness, mood, mental health on carnivore diet

My name is Adam, and this is my carnivore story. MEAT HEALS!   May 12, 2018   Background   I am a 46-year-old male who slowly became 30 pounds overweight from eating and drinking too much and not exercising.   I decided I wanted to get back in shape, but despite increasingly strenuous workouts (from 30 to 45 to 60

Udo lost weight and improved mental health on a carnivore diet

  12 Months A Carnivore If you are like most people out there, you may clutch your pearls at the thought of somebody eating nothing but or mostly meat. And when it’s not meat it is exclusively from the animal kingdom. And NO fruits and vegetables!   Turns out there are lots of people like this. Not only are they

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