
Real People, Real Results.

Jenell is free from chronic pain, IBS symptoms, and panic disorders on a carnivore diet

Jenell’s Struggles with IBS and Pain Jenell has struggled with intense pain from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and gas since she was twelve years old. Jenell says the pain was so bad she struggled to go grocery shopping or watch her kids. She thought plants were the answer to all her problems and started eating a vegan diet in her

Cindi experienced less pain and lost weight on a carnivore lifestyle

Cindi’s journey to health and the carnivore way of eating began in 2002 when Cindi was just forty years old and weighed over three hundred pounds. Cindi knew she needed to change her life, so she tried the Atkins diet (a diet that focuses on low-carbohydrate eating). Cindi had some success with the Atkins diet and even lost 120 pounds.

Josh Carnivore Transformation

Health and fitness have been a big part of Josh’s life. He says, “I have spent the better part of my adult life exercising and on some sort of ‘diet.’” Josh graduated college with a degree in kinesiology and a minor in health. He thought he knew what it took to live a healthy lifestyle. He ate several high-carbohydrate and

Sharon H put psoriasis and chronic pain into remission and regrew hair on a carnivore diet

Sharon recently celebrated one year on the carnivore diet. She was diagnosed with severe allergies and asthma at age 8 and anxiety and depression at age 11. She had terrible PMS and heavy periods when she was a teenager. Sharon’s periods grew heavier and lasted longer as she aged, and in 2019, she had a hysterectomy. Sharon developed psoriasis, eczema,

Eric relieved arthritis, reconfigure body composition on a carnivore lifestyle

Health Struggles and Experimentation with Diets Eric describes himself as a bit of a “foodie” and enjoyed eating unique foods throughout his life. Before finding the carnivore way of eating, Eric thought he was healthy. Eric ate a lot of vegetables and said he was an avid beer drinker, even as a teen. He is also a weightlifter and regularly

Lulu A healed from bulimia, back pain, anxiety, and OCD on a carnivore diet

Lulu shares her story of healing after six months on carnivore. Lulu has been married for almost a year. Just weeks before her wedding, she was put on lithium for affective mood disorder. Lulu did not do well, and while on her honeymoon, she cried every day. She says, “I had so much despair.” Lulu suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD,

Inge eliminated anxiety disorder & pain and healed skin and gut issues on a carnivore diet

From Ballet to Bariatric Surgery: Inge’s Health Journey Inge was very active during her childhood and teen years. She says she was athletic and spent a lot of time training in ballet. During this time, Inge ate whatever she wanted. Her body could burn all the calories and carbohydrates because she was constantly training. Looking back, she recognizes she was

Huw head pain from multiple injuries on a carnivore lifestyle

Childhood and Early Adulthood   Even though Huw lived in Texas, an area filled with cattle, as a child, he did not eat a single steak until he was well into his twenties. Huw has been a sportsman for most of his life and was taught carbohydrates are vital to having the energy to play sports and perform highly physical

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