muscle gain

Real People, Real Results.

Giovanna has better physical performance and younger looking skin on a carnivore diet

Giovanna is Peruvian. She explains that Peruvian food is very carb-centric—the country has over 3000 varieties of potatoes, and the nation consumes a lot of quinoa, rice, and fruit. Giovanna had weight issues after high school until she was in her thirties. She came to the United States 21 years ago. Giovanna lost weight with the calories in/calories out method

Roger got control of weight and mental health on a carnivore diet

Bodybuilder Roger’s Journey with the Carnivore Diet   Roger lives in New Zealand and says he’s always lived a relatively healthy lifestyle. Roger is a bodybuilder who often competes in weightlifting competitions. Roger gave up gluten eleven years ago when his wife discovered she had a severe intolerance. Roger also says, being in the competition world, his diet has almost

Daniel has mental clarity, more strength, and endurance on the carnivore lifestyle

Daniel has been following the carnivore diet for over two years and isn’t looking back. Daniel says before the carnivore way of eating, his health wasn’t terrible. He grew up eating a lot of meat and already had some healthy practices in place. However, as he got older, his weight began to creep up, he noticed his physically demanding job

Aaron got rid of sugar cravings, and built muscle on a Carnivore based lifestyle

Aaron lives in Bali, Indonesia, and says he never took his health very seriously until several years ago. Aaron is thirty-one and says he didn’t have any significant health concerns before becoming a carnivore diet follower, but he knew he could be doing better for his health.   He describes struggling with itchy spots on the back of his head

Jordan A resolved allergies and sinus infections and gained muscle on a Carnivore diet

From City Life to Thrive Stock Farm   Being a rancher, Jordan knows a thing or two about meat. Five years ago, Jordan and his wife sold their home in the city and bought almost fifty acres of land in the Texas countryside. Jordan runs his ranch, Thrive Stock Farm, solely by himself. Jordan says he has approximately 50 pigs,

David reduced damage to knees and gained muscle on a carnivore lifestyle

Dave Struggled With Pain Before Carnivore   For many years, David struggled with pain in his knees. He even had knee surgery at just 15 years old. After suffering so much pain, David stopped exercising when he was 23. He describes his diet for most of his life as “standard,” and he even developed a bit of a limp in

Spence lowered his high blood pressure and lost 100 pounds

Spence is a full-time touring and studio musician who works in Nashville. This occupation often entails long hours and irregular sleep patterns. Nutritional health and being a touring musician do not come packaged together, and he found that he began to suffer from a variety of symptoms and health problems. His physician was concerned about his lab work, and at

Fernanda healed cystic acne and asthma problem and came off medication on a carnivore diet

Fernanda is a doctor in her thirties who lives in Brazil with her husband. She explains that she “always had acne.” She recalls how her mom took her to see many doctors and was always prescribed a pill for it.   Fernanda’s Struggle with Acne and Vegetarianism   In her twenties, she continued to struggle with acne, and even though

Maykell healed bloating, constipation, anxiety, and panic attacks on a carnivore diet

Maykell has been following a carnivore diet for two years. In addition to improving his overall body composition, Maykell enjoys better digestion, steady energy, and freedom from anxiety and panic attacks.   The Struggle to Gain Muscle   Maykell was in generally good health when starting his carnivore journey and was mainly looking for the best way to gain muscle

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