muscle gain

Real People, Real Results.

Tony resolved his issue with Blepharitis on a carnivore lifestyle

Tony’s Journey to a Meat-Based Diet   Growing up, Tony was always a bit overweight. By the time he entered middle school, he was looking for a way to get fit, so he started hitting up the gym. He fell in love with being active—as well as the sport of wrestling—but even with all of the additional exercise, he still

Hamid healed depression and built more muscle on a carnivore lifestyle

Hamid is a 25 years old Iranian man, living in Germany. He has been athletic since the age of 15, playing basketball or sprinting. His diet journey began when he wanted more muscle and to “bulk up some.”   Hamid was 75 kilos at the time and watched some Youtube videos to learn how to bulk up. He used whey

Lori lost weight, gained muscle mass, and healed alopecia on a carnivore lifestyle

Lori’s Weight Loss Journey with Keto and Carnivore Diets   Lori’s journey to health began in 2018 when she started following the ketogenic diet. Lori was able to lose sixty-five pounds by following a meat-based keto diet. However, in 2020, during the covid lockdowns, Lori regained some of her weight and eventually had twenty-five pounds of weight back on her

Travis reduces blood pressure, inflammation and is mentally clearer on Carnivore lifestyle

Travis’ Struggles with Health   Travis has spent his adult life in the health world as a personal trainer and nutritionist. Travis also competes in bodybuilding competitions and is a physique model. Travis says before he found the carnivore diet, he ate “healthy.” He has a history of following the paleo diet and was never one to eat a lot

Bernardo obtained incredible gains in strength, endurance, and energy on a carnivore diet

From Poor Diet to Carnivore: Bernardo’s Journey Bernardo is a police officer and says his diet before discovering the carnivore way of eating was very poor. He ate a lot of bread, pasta, rice, and other high-carbohydrate foods. Bernardo says he wasn’t sleeping well, felt very sluggish, and carried a bit more weight than he would have preferred.   The

Matthew reversed Glaucoma, digestive disorders, and osteoarthritis on carnivore lifestyle

Matthew, who goes by Matt, says his health wasn’t much of a concern until he turned fifty. Matt describes he used to be a smoker, but he always tried to eat somewhat healthily. His eating habits were much like the Standard American Diet; however, he always tried to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.   Matt’s Health Issues Before the

Robin improved body composition, skin, hair, nails, and eyesight on a carnivore lifestyle

Robin’s Pre-Carnivore Diet and Beliefs   Robin is of German descent and is a Chiropractor practicing in Australia. He went into his carnivore journey with no chronic health conditions or obesity but a healthy professional curiosity.   Before he was a practitioner, Robin ate “a horrible diet, lots of processed foods, and I actually had developed a sugar addiction, to

Joy healed her body after 18 years of veganism on a carnivore diet

Joy’s Struggles with Veganism and Health Issues Joy spent eighteen years of her life as a vegan diet follower. During that time, Joy tried just about every version of the vegan diet possible– raw, high-carbohydrate, whole food, and even processed vegan. Even though Joy thought she was following a lifestyle that would improve her health, the vegan diet wreaked havoc

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