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Real People, Real Results.

Kevin heals digestive issues on carnivore diet

Kevin is twenty-two years old and is attending college. He says, “I’m 5’ 10”, and I currently weigh around 196 pounds. I’ve been doing carnivore for a little over two months.” He had been following a ketogenic diet before and had lost 130 pounds that way. He lost a little more weight on carnivore: “I recently have lost twenty pounds

Jesper improved performance and energy on a carnivore diet

Hi,  I’ve been experimenting for years without really finding something that gives me the benefits I was aiming for. Only after a couple of weeks on carnivore I feel amazing! Here are some take-aways: Take-aways Great energy throughout the day Improved mood & patience No hunger and/or ridiculous cravings Better body composition: gaining muscle & losing fat Perfect digestion (first

Christian improved hearing, gained weight, treated autism on carnivore diet

Diagnosed With High-Functioning Autism   Hey everyone, I’m not really autistic anymore, but I was before.   When I was 18, I was diagnosed with high-functioning autism and had all the normal issues: sensory overload, trouble communicating, and temper problems. All standard autistic behavior. However, at times I had severe impairment.   At times I could not speak for sometimes

Jonathan reduced his pain significantly on a carnivore diet

Hi, my name is Jonathan. Let me tell you something about my switch to the carnivore diet.   Daily Routine   My daily routine for eating the last month has been 16 hours of intermittent fasting. First meat meal at noon, and then a meat meal between 5 and 6 pm (1.5 – 3lbs of meat per day). Drinking on

Ken improved sleep, treated addiction, anorexia, fatigue on carnivore diet

My experience with Carnivore has been such a surprise to my mental health. I did not expect that. I hoped it would help with my physical appearance.   Struggling With Depression And Anorexia   I am 44 years old. Last summer, I went on a summer camping trip. I looked at the pictures after the trip and felt sad and

Brannon improved cardiovascular health, immune system on carnivore diet

Family’s Vegan Diet Challenge   This almost sounds so cliche by now, but after watching the documentary “What The Health,” my family went full-blaze mode and changed their diet drastically. They started to question and worry about my 90% protein (meat) and 10% healthy fat such as avocado or veggies such as baby arugula intakes. After my mother’s plea to

Victor increased energy, improved mental health on carnivore diet

Hi there,   I’m 23 years old from France, and four months on the carnivore diet.   Diet past: I will try to make it short. I stopped eating meat pretty early, red meat around 16, thinking of doing good and looking to improve my athletic life, as the media were starting to claim the danger of meat.   What

Chris improved digestion and mood on a carnivore diet

Heath Issues on Veganism    Around grade 10 in high school, I began taking an interest in health after starting to rock climb. I wanted to lose weight and gain a ton of strength, and I knew I couldn’t do that with the diet I had – consisting basically of pizza and soda.   For the first two months, I

A. D. improves digestion, mood, sleep, and fitness on a carnivore diet

I started having problems with my blood sugar right after I had my first baby. I was diagnosed as a gestationally diabetic while carrying. I was given no advice or follow-up after having her.   Within two to three months later, I was constantly dizzy, hot, my heart would start beating out of my chest, shaky, hyperventilating, and I’d feel

Wendy improved brain fog, and digestive issues on a carnivore diet

I recently completed my first year as a 100% carnivore, eating only meat, fish, salt, and water. For 41 years, I had been vegan/vegetarian, being almost totally vegan during that time.   When I became vegan in the 1970s, it was because I believed that all meat production was cruel (‘meat is murder’!!) and that a plant-based diet is clean

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