
Real People, Real Results.

Eric improved cardiovascular health on carnivore diet

My name is Eric. I am 63, had a heart attack back in 2007 at age 51.  I was stented and put on 80mg statin for the rest of my life.  My diet was SAD, 80% plant based.  I was advised to follow a low fat diet.  Hypertension got worse, I became obese, then autoimmune disorder, depression and perhipheral neuropathy

Odaine improved mood, back pain and inflammation on carnivore diet

Carnivore Diet Journal   I am Odaine Tomlinson, currently 29 years old, and I started the carnivore diet on November 2, 2019. Prior to embarking on the carnivore diet, I served in the military, and once I got out of the Navy in 2012, I was doing long-distance running and bodybuilding eating a standard American diet.   At that time,

Laney lost weight, improved anemia and fatigue on a carnivore diet

The Frustrating Search for Digestive Solutions   It’s New Year’s Eve 2018, and this time last year, I was making lists and action plans for how I might once-and-for-all get to the bottom of my digestion problems. “This will be the year,” I would think as I would set out at the top of that willpower mountain, only to make

Claire improved mood, mental health, pregnancy, skin on carnivore diet

Being a mother places a tremendous strain on a woman’s physical physiology, as well as being a big mental challenge. Sleep is difficult, and maintaining that happy demeanor can become impossible. Claire found that “With baby number three came my third round of post-natal depression. Ugh.” Sometimes the bad news is good news because it’s nothing new-just gaining a deeper

Olivia improved hair, skin, thyroid, Hashimoto’s, PCOS on carnivore diet

Olivia’s Health Struggle   Olivia shares her incredible carnivore transformation. Switching to a meat-based diet, Olivia has improved her weight, hair growth, skin, and sleep issues, while overcoming her battle with Hashimoto’s thyroid condition and PCOS.   Throughout her twenties, Olivia was riddled with health issues that drained her energy and enjoyment in her life. “I lost my menstrual cycle,

Doug improved adrenal health, psoriasis, sciatica on carnivore diet

Greetings, my name is Doug. I’m 28 years young, 6’5, 192 lbs, and have been practicing a mostly carnivore diet with the exception of social situations for eight months now. Prior to practicing a carnivorous diet, I was plant-based, with a focus on detoxification, fasting, raw foods, and lots of fruit to reverse chronic issues.   Background And Health Issues

Anastacia healed bulimia on a carnivore diet

This is a glance at my life story, particularly my history of disordered eating. I am grateful to have found this meat heals site, and I think this is the right place to share in hopes of inspiring others to give this WOE a try. As someone who suffered throughout childhood and most of my adult life with body image

Noah heals Ankylosing Spondylitis, arthritis, back pain on carnivore diet

Coping With Ankylosing Spondylitis Over 20 years ago, Noah was “unofficially diagnosed” with ankylosing spondylitis, an autoimmune disease causing arthritis in the spine. As the disease progresses, people end up walking in the shape of a candy cane. Noah says that the disease is very painful and debilitating.   He started to get the stooped-over posture and tried to stand

Mitch improves digestion, mood, skin, and weight loss on a carnivore diet I tried it for 90 days, and based on the positive results, I’ve decided to keep going. I ate 99% beef for the majority of this time, a little chicken, lamb, pork, and fish. I failed a few times before getting the hang of it and have been strict for 90 days. List of health issues: IBS (Mostly fixed)

Raenn improves arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and PCOS on a carnivore diet

My story has several parts to it to gain a full understanding of the way changing to a carnivore diet has impacted my life. It’s a long one!   The Great Global Gratitude Tour And The Start Of A Health Crisis   As a single adoptive parent of 6 special needs children and two biological children, I have been accustomed

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