
Real People, Real Results.

Daniel improved brain fog, inflammation and chronic pain on carnivore diet

We’ve all been taught something about what constitutes a healthy diet, and it seems most of it has been wrong. Daniel’s story echoes the same thoughts, as his healthy diet turned out not to be what he needed to heal. Daniel had problems catching infections, saying that he “would catch any infection going.” He suffered from chronic inflammation, constant back

Renz improved his pain and inflammation on a carnivore diet

In 2017 I began feeling constant pain in my left shoulder. I surf regularly but had to stop all together because I couldn’t paddle anymore. In October of 2018 I decided to try 30 days of the carnivore diet and ended up going almost two months. I noticed a reduction in pain about five days in and reduced inflammation not

Anonymous improved aches, pains, chronic inflammation on carnivore diet

Thanks Shawn for all you do and your dedication to this very important issue. I used to be very athletic in my youth and then got into the low fat, white meat only, trying to include more and more vegetables, grains and vegetable proteins. I started to develop aches and pains and attributed them to age, like I guess pickup

Lindsay lost weight and improved skin and digestion on carnivore diet

Hello, my name is Lindsay. I’m 43 years old. I’m healthier than I have ever been thanks to you, Dr. Baker! But let me go back… Growing Up Without Fat   I was brought up in early 80s eating zero fat my mum was a model she was a size 8 ( uk ) she never allowed any fat in

Rishi improved digestion and body composition on a carnivore diet

My Meat-Based Diet Journey   I did solely meat for 2018 and ~April 2019. A1C, BG all went down immediately and clothes started getting loose. Triglycerides (TG) were in control but I still ran quite high lipids. I expected it to normalize but it did not really. Weight went down and clothes were getting looser. My irritable bowel symptoms improved

Amy lost weight, improved acne, depression and anxiety on a carnivore diet

Struggling With A Weak Immune System And Chronic Colic   When I entered this world, I was an unhappy baby (diagnosed with chronic colic), which meant I barely stopped crying for the first six months of my life. As I got older, it became apparent that I had a weakened immune system.   I seemed to pick up anything and

Jason improves Chronic Fatigue on carnivore diet

Hi, I’m Jason. I was perfectly healthy until 32, and then my immune system went off the rails.   Stabilizing My Conditions   I have found that eating only meat or fasting stabilizes my condition and removes the immune cytokines that cause flares. I was told I had Lyme’s. I have POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) and other autonomic damage

C.D. improved plantar fasciitis and nose bleeds on a carnivore diet

I hope my story might help someone else, who might be in a similar situation, or give some insight into what a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet can do to one’s body over 30 years.   My Struggle With High Carbohydrate Diet And Health Issues   I’m 6’4″, and five years ago, I weighed about 112kg (247 lbs), with a measurement around

Steve improved his liver cirrhosis on a carnivore diet

Hello, my name is Steve. I’ve had liver cirrhosis since mid-Nov. 2017. My body retained massive amounts of fluid (ascites). After the first few months of suffering while taking the prescription diuretics (pee medication) with no good results, I finally got an appointment for a paracentesis (fluid draining procedure). The fluid kept coming back, so we scheduled a paracentesis once

Steve improved dental health, digestion, mental health on carnivore diet

Before I start, I sincerely want to thank Mikhaila and Jordan Peterson, Shawn and Zach, and Joe and Charlene Anderson for helping me get a much better understanding on what is going on with my body. Thank you for all you do and sharing your information!!   58 Year old male with horrible eating habits most of my life. Here

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